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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. My brother made an absolutely insane Lancia Evo which did 0-60 in something like 2.4 seconds. I made a Shelby Cobra 427 with similar stats, but driving it was a little like piloting a car with two solid fuel rockets on the back and Rolos for wheels.
  2. 'To Find A Reason' by Magnitude 9. Some really pretty solid prog with excellent lead guitar.
  3. Probably somebody like me itching to waste some asswipe in a brand new 'stang or WRX...
  4. So how was Finland? Welcome back.
  5. First song I ever heard from them!
  6. I keep forgetting to recommend that album to people.
  7. I'm no medical expert, but I believe this is called the clitoris.
  8. No, it isn't, you buggered off with your curry doll.
  9. So, you were asking why this thread keeps dying? This would be a good example.
  10. Sadly, I hear this rationale and its various permutations used too many times for me to count.
  11. Getting really sick and tired of people who know nothing about a given field volunteering their opinion as if they majored in it. Being an IPOL major makes this especially frustrating since every stupid bloody assclown with an opinion considers him or herself capable of speaking on conflict, diplomacy, international agreements and policy. At least those in the hard sciences have a lot less of this to put up with. No moron is going to crawl out of the woodwork saying that gravity is just a plot by the CIA and astrophysicists to keep people from escaping to a lunar utopia. Generally these people are victims of appalling self-centeredness to the point of denial, being it seems thoroughly lacking in the imagination necessary to help them conceive of how analysis of these phenomena might be difficult and how many factors might be at play. It is infuriating to have taken a number of classes on economics and war, at perhaps the best political science school in the nation, and then have some smug idiot present a completely hare-brained conspiracy theory about the US (for it is always about the US; being completely unaware of history or let alone most of the rest of the world these folks make the unconscious assumption that the US is the world) that makes absolutely no sense on any level at all - and have people sympathize with them purely based on the fact that the latter theory involves 'sticking it to the man' which I suppose is for complete fools much more satisfying than ever opening a scholarly journal. The world of politics is far more complex than that and hearing people proclaim these utterly asinine theories from up their own asses without even the most piteous shred of evidence is a savage insult to anyone who actually studies the field with any kind of diligence.
  12. Don't conflate efficiency with oversimplification.
  13. How entertainingly Hunter X Hunter mocks the existence of plot holes with its almost airtight continuity... I'm not sure I'd call the show 'entertaining' per se, but it is engrossing and the characters certainly are interesting.
  14. He lured you away, he didn't specify how. Maybe he coated it in curry.
  15. 'Munipuliar' by The Levitation Hex. Ostensibly this band is the reincarnation of Alchemist. They seem a little lazier but still fairly good.
  16. 'Fury Of The Wild' by HammerFall.
  17. I convince you to sell a blow-up doll of Christina Scabbia. The demand is such that you can't keep up and an angry, oily, pimply asthmatic mob burns your store down. I settle down and open up a store dedicated entirely to selling Doritos and Mountain Dew. The nerds hail me as king. My hill. You could just inflate a doll halfway and you'd get the same effect.
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