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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. No they don't, but it's all they have left after losing 'great power status' to their own colony... Apparently that burn's been stinging since 1783 if their general whinging butthurt is anything to go by.
  2. Making my way through Hunter X Hunter right now on the nagging recommendation of a friend. It's nicely done, these characters are developing reasonably well and the show is gradually taking a darker turn - but the humor is fairly well-executed when there are gags and the story is starting to get interesting.
  3. My glasses, transitions lenses, are dark because of the sun. My hill.
  4. That doesn't strike me as a weird viewpoint, sounds like atheism in a nutshell.
  5. I kinda do, my mom pesters me about it every now and then. Still, I have to admit it pales in comparison to the kind of crap it seems you have to go through from your own family.
  6. Yay, I love that album. 9/10. mdG-J9mvHMw More great prog.
  7. Annoying, but also at least a little funny. I imagine it'd get real old real fast though.
  8. 'To The Grave' by Iron Fire. Fun but not very technical.
  9. 'In The Army Now' by Sabaton. This is so much better than the original it's not even funny.
  10. Nah, the opposite would be Minute Birth. The name Ultralife sounds more like a Christcore band emphasizing that the crucifixion was brewtal. Or maybe a type of nutritional supplement.
  11. I like The Nexus and Delain's probably my favorite 'female-fronted/gothic metal' band. If you want good female vocals I suggest Madder Mortem, Trees Of Eternity and the absolutely splendid, marvelously insane Unexpect.
  12. Except for me, because I'm a pedantic git.
  13. Welcome back, by the way. I'd probably call this industrial/nu-metal, but it samples a couple of other songs too. Musically I don't think that much of it but that music video is hilarious. That Jamaican/Swiss vocalist was especially funny.
  14. Yeah, I was going to ask the same question.
  15. No, they are not. The 80's South American conflicts were motivated by desire to protect US companies and to combat Communism at any cost, not to sell drugs as the lyrics imply. The 1% does not rule America even if they do have a great deal of influence. The United States is also one of the least corrupt countries in the world, especially considering its size. 'The poor' have gotten wealthier although there is an increasing income gap. Religion is not a power play, it's a lot more complex than that. Aside from what's just factually wrong with these lyrics they're also kind of stupid. Of course merchants 'manipulate' people, advertisement has to motivate customers somehow but to call it manipulation suggests that people are too dumb not to listen. Of course the numbers look the same - what's the point? There's no deeper statement being made about the degeneration of values brought about by greed, and that message is confounded by the clearly anti-rich rant in the song. If they'd said something about how everyone, rich and poor, constantly runs after money to keep themselves alive (as they did in Empire), they'd at least be operating at the level of of subtlety acknowledged by the fairly simplistic Karl Marx. By and large this comes off as the same, boring 'we don't like wealthy folks' message that's so old and tired it makes Dick Clark look like Usain Bolt. I could buy these lyrics if they were trying to describe a dystopia, (and even then they'd be grievously unoriginal - a dystopian future where the rich rule the poor? Stop the presses!) but their use of current events clearly suggests to me that they're trying to make political commentary, which unfortunately every jackass with an opinion thinks he or she can provide with authority.
  16. Got my Threshold shirt, which is great.
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