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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. My closest family lives halfway across the country so it does always astound me that people see it as such an odyssey to visit their grandparents in Texas when the family lives in New Mexico...
  2. 'Who Am I To Be' by Circle II Circle. Zak Stevens remains one of my favorite vocalists.
  3. 'Juvia Of The Great Sea' from the Fairy Tail soundtrack. Has a nice In Vain vibe at times, which works very well for the character.
  4. I liked these ones. Nqc9_KIk8D4 qxUZUnRwH7s The video for Terminus by DT was also great.
  5. It's very nice of you all, but I don't want to be president, it's way too much of a responsibility and not really my field. My highest career ambition would be to be a top negotiator of some lasting peace agreement in the DRC.
  6. It was a bloody example! My point was that the Chevelle and Corvette were in different classes entirely.
  7. You got me. I've been looking for the crystal skull so I can utilize the other 90% of my brain.
  8. Sounds like what you'd call somebody who went up to an E cup for nursing...
  9. I've seen Cowboy Bebop and Trigun (loved the Badlands Rumble movie) of that list, and a handful of others. I'm not really an anime fan but I am trying to get exposure to the genre. Generally the music is middle-of-the-road, but this series really stood out for its soundtrack. Actually, let me just give you a mix of music, it'll make it easier. YZkihrfCTu8
  10. I haven't forgotten, it's just that this friend really likes Hunter x Hunter so it helps make conversation.
  11. Thank you very much. The thing is, they thought I'd have brain damage and I wouldn't be able to learn much of anything or even function properly. I did need to go to physical therapy as a kid, but otherwise I was fine. I actually excelled in elementary school with regards to reading but my teachers actively told me not to read 'above my level' because it would make the other kids feel inadequate - which is one of the reasons my parents decided to homeschool me instead. Mercifully my parents have a long history of not giving a rat's ass what other people think and going their own way in many different areas of life so things turned out well.
  12. 'Master Of Puppets' by Van Canto... RANI DANI DEEDANI DEETDANI DUU DA DUU DA DUU
  13. Yes you should. Hunter X Hunter is picking up just now. It's not 'awesome' in the way Fairy Tail is in a number of ways, but the action is nice, the plot turns are engaging and the characters are being cultivated very nicely. Definitely a better-written show. I love the hitman kid Killua, he reminds me of my brother...
  14. My mom's doctors refused to deliver me. Told my mom to get an abortion. That's why I was born in Santa Fe and not Los Alamos; my parents went to a different hospital.
  15. It's not a movie, it's an anime. There are several music compilations on YouTube, but Fairy Tail's soundtrack is so bloody good.
  16. Depends what you mean by 'better'. The Corvette would definitely be better from a sport car standpoint but the Chevelle would have its own appeal. I'd rather have the Chevelle mainly because its general aesthetic appeals to me more, but my brother would take the Corvette and he'd absolutely destroy me...assuming he can learn to drive. He generally thrashes me in fighters and FPS games but I tend to win most often in racing games.
  17. Of course I did. The thing is, Alucard is fundamentally not interesting. I can only guess at his motivation but it seems he's just an utterly despicable individual - not in an engaging way, just an entirely unpleasant way. The character is clearly supposed to be enigmatic but he's very easily understood - simply as a bloodthirsty thug. I suppose I should really say that his handler Integra Helsing is the worst character in the series as she has complete authority over him yet lets him do whatever he wants with whomever he wants - presumably as long as he does the right thing. But he doesn't, he just kills whoever he wants to without any consequence. Integra's job in the series is to provide the moral anchor for Alucard's bloodlust, but she never does so, which is what makes her one of my least favorite characters in anything I've ever seen. I suppose Alucard could be appealing on a pathological level but he does everything with a level of sadistic arrogance that is completely repulsive. He would be a great villain, but we're supposed to believe he's a hero. He's not complex, he's not fascinating, he's not badass, he's just a boring yet utterly awful individual.
  18. Well, she said Alucard from Hellsing was a great character and I tried to prove her wrong by pointing out that there is literally nothing likeable about the character in any sense whatsoever.
  19. ...For Victory, certainly. Anagogic Tyranny or Aeons Past (Element, not Solution .45)
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