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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'And The Maiden Spoke' by Nevermore.
  2. Iceni


    Sadly all the Fairy Tail I've watched hasn't made an appearance in any dreams of mine...
  3. I liked the Atten Ash stuff (although I could hear very little of it; the audio cuts out at about 30 seconds through), sounded like November's Doom and that is always a good thing. 3P0 knows I already like Infinitum so I won't take up time talking about them. I'm not exactly holding my breath with regards to how well you all will take this, but here goes, anyway... This here is Threshold, the first progressive metal band I ever got into and they've been a strong favorite of mine ever since. The vocalist for this track and most of Threshold's work, Andrew MacDermott, is sadly deceased. However, Damian Wilson - who previously worked with Threshold during their early years - returned as an excellent replacement, in time for the album 'March Of Progress'. I have no idea why these guys aren't more renowned, their style is in my estimation simultaneously energetic, accessible and memorable, with some very good lyrics to match. Their song 'Long Way Home' remains my favorite metal song of all time. B1Xlj4-tiws
  4. 'Shattering Swords' by Suidakra, on the recommendation of a metalhead here at Georgetown.
  5. I actually like 'Touch Of Evil' although I know it's actually very corny. 'Between the Hammer and the Anvil' from Painkiller was also good.
  6. 'The Little Things' by Madder Mortem.
  7. Yeah, that's actually happened to me...Agalloch are pretty good for studying.
  8. Wow, you did not exaggerate. If I had to level one complaint it would be that it progressed a mite slowly on the beginning, but otherwise it was extremely well done and kept my attention well. The rhythm sense did wonders for keeping the song barreling ahead.
  9. I've had Jack Daniel's ice cream before, I quite liked it.
  10. Well, the joke was that only the Scottish would be so desperate for alcohol intake that they'd make jelly with whiskey in it. Then again, I absolutely adore rum balls so I can't talk.
  11. Scottish ancestry, I presume?
  12. Oh, you don't even want to know what I'm listening to now...don't worry, it's not Black Eyed Peas.
  13. ...the Ninja Rap song that Vanilla Ice composed for the second Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie...
  14. Speaking of which, Bellerophon would be a great name for a prog/power/avant-garde band.
  15. No, but I've gone through most of the prog, avant-garde and specialized black metal recommendations.
  16. Real life Brian Griffin. Nah, I'd rather let you stew in the pillories of public ridicule.
  17. Not now, no. At any other time I'd dive in.
  18. Oh, don't start with the Kantian veil, my brain's too bloody tired.
  19. Yeah, I did. I was hoping it was somebody I was trying to get to join the Metal Forum but no such luck.
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