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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Ostrich. I am half South African after all. A Marilyn Manson member or an amoeba?
  2. 'Truth Inside The Shades' by Persefone. Wow, I've enjoyed every album by these guys. This earliest album is much more melodeath than the others, but plenty of prog goodness to sustain my thirst for complexity.
  3. You needn't feel chastised, I use dry brutal sarcasm frequently. It's the only way FA, BAN and I can fend off these dreary Commonwealth wolves...
  4. Several times too many. You'll just have to respect mah authoritah.
  5. We have theological discussions on this forum but generally they get kept at a certain level of decorum to keep them from getting asinine.
  6. 'Seed - Core and Persephone' by Persefone. I don't think we can be friends anymore...
  7. Wow, I thought 'Nemesis' was a pretty good song (still think it is) but it doesn't quite hold a candle to that...
  8. That hit me when listening to Gorguts' 'From Wisdom To Hate'. I've not liked the album on any subsequent listens either. Their style just puts me off, I kept hoping for more jazzy insanity like Obscura.
  9. 'Underworld - The Fallen and The Butterfly' by Persefone.
  10. The 'Beyond The Self' album by Fractal Gates. C'est melodeath acceptable vient Ile-de-France, mais cette album devient meilleur et plus interessant en ecoutant plus. J'entends en peu d'Amon Amarth et Before The Dawn ici et la-bas, mais cette group developpe leur mode unique pendant que l'album progresse. I agree, I remember hating Primal Fear for a long time but now I love them. In fact, this band Persefone was one I didn't like the first time round but I have them another go...and MAN am I glad I did, I am loving almost everything I'm hearing from them.
  11. That's me, your resident funny man. ...parenthetically, my latest lyrics are about a murderer.
  12. 'Light And Grief' by Persefone. Some guy commented on this that the female vocals sounded like Dolly Parton... the thing is, he's totally right. It works with the album but I can't help cracking up listening to the female vocals part.
  13. 'Shin-Ken Part I' by Persefone. If my mind gets blown much harder my skull will shatter. This album has been utterly enthralling.
  14. 'The Melancholy Spirit' by Agalloch.
  15. They go to the Throne Room, of course. WAAAA HA HA HA
  16. 'Fall To Rise' by Persefone. Oh greatholybloodybuggerfrickingcrapofmajesty ...suchutterandabsoluteawesomeness
  17. 'Hallways Of Enchanted Ebony' by Agalloch.
  18. Don't know about prom car, but it'd be one hell of a street sleeper. Sounds ludicrously frightening, I'm surprised it's street legal. I'd assume that a 900hp aluminum car would need airbags the size of a hot air balloon. Still, if it had a nicely graduated torque curve or a tunable ECM I could see it being really nice.
  19. 'Not Unlike The Waves' by Agalloch. Definitely my favorite from this album. This riff is really simple but awesome.
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