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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. The regular one, or the one with the Swedish women's curling team?
  2. Largest signature on the site. Indeed. I shall teach you the ways of the prog head. Come, sit down on the couch. Have some Cheetos and Vanilla Coke. You will listen to the entirety of Unexpect's discography. If you need me, I will be in the back, writing irritated lyrics.
  3. Yeah, to the great god Chevre.
  4. I like quite a bit from both of those albums. 'The Angelmaker' by Seventh Wonder. Regular Seventh Wonder fare; incredibly saccharine lyrics, great musicianship with a strong knack for melody.
  5. I suppose I was a bit too specific. I was talking about people who complain about the United States without any context. To say that this nation's education system and general public health sucks considering how wealthy it is per capita is perfectly acceptable, but to just whinge about how the country has no culture or about how everyone is stupid really grates on my sensibilities. The thing is, these people have traveled a lot but I suspect that they have no impression of what it's like to have lived in a nation for a substantial proportion of one's life, or how one's perceptions might be colored by one's age and situation. I have fond memories of South Africa and I could easily make blanket statements about how everyone was really nice and made great food, but the fact is that the country is a far more complex beast than the suburb where I grew up from age 3-8. I wish these people could meet a few immigrants once in a while, just to give them some perspective on how great we have it here. The US still has the highest percentage of the world's immigrants and the highest gross number of immigrants. This nation has flaws but I suspect many of them are not uniquely American as these witless sods imply.
  6. MacGyver was somewhat entertaining but could get painfully boring at times. Everybody would already know the gimmick so I agree, the movie would be pretty pointless.
  7. 'Dilettante's Dilemma' by Pavor.
  8. 'Wroth Volcanic Vent' by Pavor. The bass on the album goes goes blorp beurp bouww...
  9. 'Furioso' by Pavor. Oh, I love this...
  10. From what I understand you go to a pretty high-level university though, right? I would have expected there to be more ungrateful assholes. Nonetheless Australia does routinely rank near the top of most indicators of transparency and human development so I suppose too much criticism would simply fly in the face of the facts. I can't imagine Denmark, Iceland and New Zealand have too many bratty whiners either.
  11. I hate the anti-patriots, I really do... it'd be much more fun watching the Olympics without their polemical myopic bitching. By and large the people who whine about this country in this way seem to have no sense of perspective. That might be because it's difficult to see when you've got your head up your ass.
  12. Technically my maternal grandfather's family is from Ukraine, originally. I go there. I then sign an agreement with NATO, mainly to prevent it from becoming Czarist hill. NATO hill.
  13. Perun is ask of remove roastbeef from the premises. Slavs is of complying. Poland can into holding territory. Is now Polska hill.
  14. Well, the name Thy Will Be Done certainly would tip me off... Your use of the word 'sound' was what struck me as odd.
  15. 'Sounds like?' I'm curious, what makes music 'sound' Christian to you other than banal simplicity? I've got my own criteria, but usually it's just a compilation of the most annoying cliches that such bands use for one reason or another. The good Christian bands tend to curb-stomp these notions right off. Read the thread. BlutAusNerd and KSMASH are our genre-definition specialists with regards to metalcore and JBaker has a broad familiarity with the genre. I can't stand it no matter how it sounds since I've never met hardcore music I didn't want to kick into a storm drain on my way to the annual Aural Oddballs Symposium, but I think I at least know the difference thanks to their information.
  16. 'Third Reich From The Sun' by Hanzyl und Gretyl. ...definitely a guilty pleasure song considering the quality of the lyrics and musicianship.
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