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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I like some of the lyrics for 'Carry On My Wayward Son' by Kansas. Not by a long shot. Those are by far the worst lyrics on that whole album. The thoroughgoing lack of insight and understanding, and outright non sequiturs even in the first paragraph are just appalling. Considering how good and well-constructed the concept of Operation Mindcrime is otherwise it's a real pity that these got left in. Even the way they frame it is terrible, the way they deliver them in a voice-over as if delivering a short homily to say: "and so, children, here's what this parable really means!" Hell, even the rest of the song has good lyrics, but that passage is absolutely teeth-gnashingly heinous.
  2. Est-ce que cet homme un ecrivain pour le web-revue Pagan Altar? Nous avons un polonais qui s'appelle Vladyka mais je ne sais pas son vrai nom. Apologies if my French is flawed, I'm still learning.
  3. Well, for a funny HammerFall video featuring a song that doesn't sound like arse I'd say go for the Renegade video, it's hilarious. Still, the most entertainingly cliched metal video I've ever seen has got to be this one: kxLAd4fwddQ The funny thing is that the actual music reminds me a little of that Southern doom band Las Cruces.
  4. Donc vous avez ete fatigue pour les trois mois dernier...
  5. In the same way that quarks exist, yes. I do find it funny that our pop culture is frequently criticized as being sexed up when a lot of our famous female pop stars are comme un planche à pain.
  6. Wow, that does sound remarkably stupid and unpleasant. Still, it does remind me of one thing the comedian Aries Spears recommended; guide dwarves.
  7. They sound like a bad ripoff of Scar Symmetry, and late Scar Symmetry at that.
  8. I'm curious if Mutiny Within would count as nu metal, people call them prog but I don't hear anything remotely proggy. All I hear is a fat lot of unpleasantly modern cliches coalesced into one marvelously decorated wad of poo.
  9. Est-ce que votre nom est Francais (ou Quebecois)? I know you've made it clear you're from Ontario but I thought I'd ask anyway. Welcome to the forum.
  10. And then I'll whack you with a gaderffi stick and sell you to the Jawas.
  11. I suspect there are some who do. Hip-hop enthusiasts sure don't appreciate the negative stereotypes they have to put up with. I also know that people who like old country don't like being lumped together with the new country movement.
  12. Well, that would certainly explain why East Texans tend to be assholes.
  13. 'New World Widows' by Diablo Swing Orchestra.
  14. 'Sing Along Songs For The Damned and Delirious' album by DSO. I got a perfect score on my French homework when I did it all to the sound of this album.
  15. Honestly, it'd probably be 2002-2012. Most of the music I like was made in that space of time.
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