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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because it's metal and cheerfulness should never be involved.
  2. Re: Who are your current top 5 bands? Cradle of Filth Children of Bodom (go ahead, mock away) Type O Negative Dissection Katatonia
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To? Theatre of Tragedy - Aegis.
  4. Re: Rate and Slate Rating - Good goth metal. Slating - Bad goth metal.
  5. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I haven't been here in forever.
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To? Rammstein - Reise, Reise
  7. Re: Cradle of Filth Thanks for the recommendations.
  8. Re: Alcest Yeah it was released in 2010. There is a new one out, I can't remember what it's called. Haven't heard it yet. But Ecailles de Lune is one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard and I highly recommend it to anyone.
  9. Re: Rate and Slate Rating - Pizza Slating - Illness took a turn for the worse and I've been in bed mostly the last few days.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To? Dissection - Reinkaos
  11. Re: Cradle of Filth Can anyone recommend any bands in the vein of Cradle? I've been looking for bands with the same dark epic feeling to them and can't really find anything.
  12. Like or no like? Discuss. GhRNN8BIZxE I think they're beautiful personally.
  13. Re: IMMORTAL I've had such a change of heart with these guys... how did I not appreciate their awesomeness before? I don't get it. At the Heart of Winter is now one of my fav bm releases.
  14. Re: melodic death metal I recently have been going through an Unanimated phase, I think they're fantastic and not revered enough in melodic death metal circles.
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To? Dead Can Dance - Within the Realm of a Dying Sun
  16. Re: Top 5 Non-Metal Bands Rush Pink Floyd Fields of the Nephilim Jethro Tull Ulver (cheating possibly, but I am referring to Perdition City onwards, which I regard as being essentially a different band.) Yeah, someone's a prog head.
  17. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I don't like unicorn metal
  18. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I hate power metal.
  19. Re: Rate and Slate Unfortunately yeah, she has a cough and got me sick. But she's still awesome @H34VYM3T4LD4V3: Thanks man, and I'm sure you will.
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To? Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast
  21. Re: Rate and Slate Rating - Awesome girlfriend. Slating - Getting sick.
  22. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because pirate metal is ridiculous.
  23. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned for not knowing.
  24. Re: Rate and Slate I saw that. That's what I call good service!
  25. Re: What Are You Listening To? Cradle of Filth - Dusk... and Her Embrace
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