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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. It may very well be on my end. My internet is kind of terrible. I had no idea there was another WV metalhead on this forum, that's awesome.
  2. Guys, I can not get breaks to work AT ALL now.
  3. So recently I found out that there's a black metal band very near where I live, that has actually put out an album, played with Watain, and been featured in Decibel! You have no idea how exciting that is to someone living in a state like West Virginia (unless you live in a state like WV!), it is truly an inspiration and source for hope. So anyways, I thought I would post some links and see what you guys think. I feel like they are kind of rough but definitely interesting. Here is their newest video: Website: Helgardh To those of you who live in bigger areas with lots of bands around, where this may not seem super exciting, you have to understand, these guys are like the ONLY extreme metal band around here. So I'm just excited and would like to share.
  4. No, it was white text on a black background. I don't know what happened.
  5. Haha I was never too kvlt to begin with, man. Thanks for the welcome. Now listening to Lurker of Chalice - selftitled
  6. Ummm.... that was supposed to be a list, not a vomit.
  7. Triptykon Immortal Wardruna Coil Cradle of Filth Two non-metal groups in my top five at the moment.
  8. Well guys it has been quite some time since I've been around, and so far 2014 has been a pretty fucking awesome year for metal. So I would definitely love to hear your, say, top five records that have come out so far this year. Of course with impending At the Gates and Bloodbath records, my list will probably end up changing. But for now: 5. Mastodon - Once More Round the Sun (Still nowhere near as awesome as their earlier records, but a huge leap above The Hunter) 4. Morbus Chron - Sweven (first album I've heard by these guys, and I am pretty impressed) 3. Nachtmystium - The World We Left Behind (I know this one got a mixed response, but I'm a fan, regardless of Judd's terrible behavior of late) 2. Behemoth - The Satanist (What an epic slab of beautifully brutal melodic metal) And....... 1. Triptykon - Melana Chasmata (This was almost a guaranteed number 1 for me, as Tom Warrior is one of my heroes. I think it's awesome that he's putting out some of his best work this late in his career.) So how about you guys?
  9. Stuff like In the Nightside? Honestly I don't feel like there are very many newer records to compare to that masterpiece. You might want to check out something by Watain, maybe Lawless Darkness? And if you are open minded possibly something by Deathspell Omega. Not that they sound anything at all like Emperor or Satyricon, but they have an experimental edge that I think someone like Ihsahn would approve of.
  10. Leviathan - Massive Conspiracy Against All Life. And hey to those of you who remember me.
  11. I might be interested... are you still looking for someone? Give me a day or so and I will have a review ready for you. Also, wow, it's been an age since I've been here.
  12. Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
  13. Seems like the proper place to vent my frustrations. So, nowadays it seems, in the world of the internet (barring this place for the most part), if you like bands like Burzum, you're a neo-nazi hipster who only likes the band to look cool, and if you like newer bands like Agalloch, Wolves in the Throne Room, Nachtmystium, Alcest etc. etc. you're only into the "image" of black metal, and you must have no appreciation for the older bands that are "actually good". I love Emperor, Immortal, Darkthrone, Ulver (all eras by the way, not just Bergtatt), and lots of other Scandinavian bands, but I also like newer stuff like the aforementioned bands. Why? Because the music sounds good. I enjoy it. This does not make me a hipster. I like Burzum. Why? Because the music sounds good. That does not make me a hipster either. What is with all these people condemning newer acts? And it's not just in black metal. Baroness makes solid stuff, but I read all kinds of shit about them on the net. Why are people so threatened by these "legions of evil hipster kvlt bands"?
  14. [ATTACH=CONFIG]684[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]685[/ATTACH] A couple of my favorites, that have not been posted yet.
  15. 8/10 Minus the vocals, I really really enjoyed that for some reason. In fact I just ordered the CD. From A Taste of Extreme Divinity. Hypocrisy has become one of my favorite death metal bands.
  16. In addition to some of the bands BAN mentioned, I would say Agalloch and Wolves in the Throne room are pretty good US BM bands.
  17. I've been a big fan for a while now. I have to say though, I think you really have to delve into it and read the translations of the lyrics and such, because what Till is saying is a huge part of Rammstein.
  18. Nevertanezra! Amorphis (Early) My Dying Bride Celtic Frost (Only Monotheist can really be considered doom, but it's one of my very favorite albums.)
  19. Sorry, somehow I didn't realize someone had posted in this thread! Your vocals sound awesome in the track I listened to. I will PM you something when I get the chance - I have to use internet other than my own to send files and such as it's so slow.
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