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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Well that seems like a very close minded statement to make. As Mark from Requiem Metal put it, there's a flower growing in every pile of shit. That's Deftones to me.
  2. Hahaha of course a topic about Count Grishnakh would turn into a discussion about eugenics.
  3. Banned for making an overlong banning post.
  4. Well I mean Euronymous was kind of a terrible person, but there's not much point in going over that story again.
  5. Thank you, my friend. I'm going to try actually stick around this time.
  6. Not all metal, but my top five would be: Ihsahn Tom Fischer (Tom G Warrior) Brent Hinds David Gilmour Alex Lifeson
  7. He was arrested for no good reason. Hopefully he'll be released soon, so he can get back to the one thing he does that is worthwhile - music. Yeah he's a dickhead, but a talented one. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is easily in my top 3 black metal albums. Oh and I would add Ihsahn to the list of bm musicians who are not morons.
  8. I got into metal when I was 15, and it just appealed to something inside me more than any other sort of music. I'm a huge fan of many other genres, but something about metal - not just the aggression, that too, but something more as well, just struck a chord.
  9. Iron Maiden, not a big Priest fan (blasphemy, I know). Till Lindemann or Trent Reznor?
  10. It really depends. If the clean vocals are done well, I like a mixture (Ulver's Bergtatt for example). But if the vocals are predominantly clean, it's not really black metal anymore in my opinion (Alcest, who I love by the way).
  11. Re: who would you rather be? Street food vendor, I prefer being outside. Oscar Wilde or Aleister Crowley?
  12. Re: spirituality People pay for porn nowadays?
  13. Re: Describe the user above you with 3-5 Words! Always recommends good music.
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To? Nevertanezra - NTNR Haven't pulled this one out in a lil while. Glad I did.
  15. Re: Describe the user above you with 3-5 Words! Speaks the truth, unfortunately...
  16. Re: spirituality Iceni may be worried about being ganged up on by non-believers, to be fair.
  17. Re: Describe the user above you with 3-5 Words! Is a funny fellow.
  18. Re: spirituality So far everyone in this thread is essentially aligned even if the details vary. I'd be interested in a Christian like Iceni joining in on it.
  19. Re: Describe the user above you with 3-5 Words! Is probably an Australian
  20. Re: What Are You Listening To? Pink Floyd - The Wall
  21. Re: Amorphis Tales is definitely my favorite. Elegy and Karelian are pretty awesome as well. I've said this before, but the new ones are cool but not terribly unique.
  22. Re: spirituality I've spoken of this before, but essentially my views are aligned with Murph's. I'm an agnostic and rely on my own experiences to shape my beliefs, along with a healthy dose of logic.
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