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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Celtic Frost Rammstein Cradle of Filth Emperor Burzum (all this talk of Varg's arrest got me in the mood to pull out some Burzum)
  2. I'm currently reading The Great and Secret Show by Clive Barker, and enjoying it greatly. He's one of my favorite authors.
  3. Wow. That will take me a while. Awesome list though man.
  4. Yeah it sucks how many chauvinistic male metalheads you'll find, and it's weird because they all complain that they can't get their girlfriends into metal! Well, if they act that way, no wonder! Anyways, welcome.
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]678[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]679[/ATTACH] Thought I'd contribute.
  6. Glad to hear it! The guys on this forum are awesome for expanding your horizons.
  7. I'm skeptical but open - just like with most things. I would certainly like to encounter one, but until that happens I shall remain agnostic on the topic, as I am about everything else.
  8. The way you look at issues reminds me so much of myself. Trying to take the higher ground and not make black and white statements.
  9. The debate you guys are having reminds me why I like this forum so much - no-one is trying to out shout anyone. Just people talking, even in disagreement. I mean occasionally I'm sure there are blowups, but nothing like other forums I've been on.
  10. Chelsea Wolfe - Ἀποκάλυψις
  11. By the way, I hate the people on Blabbermouth. Reading the comments on these stories pisses me off so much.
  12. He'll get off fine I'm sure. It was probably always more of a precaution anyways.
  13. Not a huge fan of that sort of thing. But to each his own opinion. Also Varg is out. BLABBERMOUTH.NET - VARG VIKERNES And Wife Released From Custody
  14. Obituary. Not an Atheist fan. David Vincent or Matti Kärki?
  15. To clarify - basically any sort of vocals you want to do, as long as they sound good, are good with me.
  16. Last time I was on these forums you were pretty much just into thrash and NWOBHM stuff, right? I see they've corrupted you.
  17. I'm just throwing this out here. I'm working on a industrial metal project, think Rammstein but heavier and with more black and death metal influences. I have one song pretty much done, and several others in development. I can sing, but I'm not a huge fan of my own voice. So what I'm asking is, is there anyone on this forum who would be interested in providing vocals and possibly writing some lyrics? I could send over the instrumental tracks and you could record vocals and send them back to me. I want someone to do clean vocals and possibly some more aggressive ones, even growls and screams. Basically I want someone to bring their own style. Anyone interested?
  18. Rammstein Skinny Puppy Front Line Assembly My Dying Bride Hypocrisy Been on an industrial metal and electro-industrial kick lately. And I've been rocking out to A Taste of Extreme Divinity from Hypocrisy a good bit.
  19. I am so glad you picked Till. Tom G Warrior, hands down. One of my favorite players. Wagner or Beethoven?
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