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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. I've heard of them... Been listening to Coffinworm a lot lately. Cool blackened sludge death.
  2. I'm not huge on pedals. I just use a distortion because I dislike the way my amp's distortion sounds.
  3. It's the darnedest thing, but I don't. I must hang out at all the wrong places.
  4. I was thinking, it's not just NY DM but American DM in general I haven't payed that much attention to. I mean I've heard the more famous bands of course, Death and Morbid Angel probably being my favorites, but I've always paid way more attention to Europe. The only American scene I know a good deal about is the sludge scene.
  5. Honestly, I have never payed much attention to the NY death metal scene. At all. Perhaps I should. Any recommendations guys?
  6. I think they're good at what they do, it's just not my thing.
  7. I love the old CF albums. Fuck I'm wearing a Morbid Tales shirt as I type this. Monotheist just hit me in a different way, somehow.
  8. New Purchases/Acquisitions Panopticon - Roads to the North 2 LP set. The vinyl has this lovely blue splatter coloring. [ATTACH]1557[/ATTACH]
  9. I adore it. Tom keeps astounding me by continually topping himself. I thought it was amazing when Monotheist turned out to be the best CF album. And with Triptykon he's gotten even better. My AOTY so far.
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