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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Dungeons and Dragons I play with a group of friends locally. I have a 5th level neutral half-elf wizard named Terileas. Fun game. Now there's talk of a LARPing group forming as well.
  2. Re: Rate and Slate Rating: Hanging out at metalforum.com Slating: The band I thought I was forming falling through.
  3. Re: Who are your current top 5 bands? Ulver Celtic Frost Rammstein Burzum Neurosis Going through a weird phase in metal
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To? Ulver - Perdition City
  5. Re: Now...? Eating - Pizza Drinking - G&T Listening - Ulver Doing - Checking facebook Thinking - I am very happy to be checking this place out again.
  6. Re: Now...? Eating - Nothing Drinking - Coffee Listening - Arcturus Doing - Trying to wake up Thinking - I don't wanna go to work today!!!
  7. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I'm getting really into Ulver's electronic stuff.
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To? Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
  9. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because so have I
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To? Ulver - Perdition City
  11. Re: Who are your current top 5 bands? Ulver Emperor Opeth Celtic Frost Porcupine Tree
  12. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I keep being absent.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To? Celtic Frost - Monotheist
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To? Graveyard - Hisingen Blues
  15. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I've made yet another one of my mysterious disappearances...
  16. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I can't think of anytning
  17. Re: dream theater Funny thing is they were one of the first metal bands I heard. And I liked them at first, but got tired of them fairly quickly.
  18. Re: dream theater I hate Dream Theater. And I've given them plenty of chances, too.
  19. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned 'cause you're quite right.
  20. Re: I love Heavy Metal Music! This guy's gotta be a troll. But I love reading his posts, so whatever
  21. Re: music theory It's a song from Monotheist and also the name of one of the appendixes from Crowley's Book 4, I believe. Not a Crowley expert so I'm not positive off of the top of my head. But yeah it refers to a process of entering the "abyss" of one's psyche and emerging with new found wisdom... but I mostly thought it sounded cool.
  22. Re: What Are You Listening To? Grotesque - In the Embrace of Evil
  23. Re: Female Players Yeah there's a lot of soloing in death metal. Listen to Morbid Angel.
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