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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Re: Now...? Eating - nothing Drinking - Coffee Listening - Danzig Doing - Trying to put together a CD of local artists as a benefit to the local humane society Thinking - It's a real fucking pity I can't put any metal on the CD
  2. Re: Best Iron Maiden Album Powerslave for me.
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To? Danzig - Danzig II: Lucifuge
  4. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I'm back and I've changed my name.
  5. Re: recommendations? Bergtatt is one of my favorite albums of all time, in any genre. There's just something about it.
  6. Re: Ban the user above you! It's the sigil of Lucifer, I believe it originates from some old grimoire. It's currently used often as a symbol for Luciferians and others who want to avoid the cliched inverted pentagram. Hope it doesn't offend you - if it does, I will remove it. Offense wasn't my intention, I just like the symbol, and am very interested in that area of things. Banned because I just bought a Blut Aus Nord album.
  7. Re: Alcest in Liverpool 21/02/12 Oh man, I love Alcest. Unfortunately I live in America.
  8. Re: The Rant I guess I was thinking about some of the stuff on Dreams of Death and Dismay, like this: The Temple / Erratic Left by dawn Determined mind The final way out My bridges were burned One last path to justify life... To follow this crazy dream Heading for the woods To places I had been before But in my dreams They were altered I just had to see But the deeper I walked Confusion emerged Paths unknown? I was astray And though it was day The sun shone no more But as I despaired Certain to be lost I suddenly stood By a temple The temple in my dreams With a thousand steps My journey was complete The source of essence Of which I had been foretold Climbing up the stairs Hewn in stone Stained with generations blood Thorn, like poison snakes Entangles me, severs my skin Helped by the wind At last at the top A mysterious sight reaches my eyes For on the very highest step A gigantic mirror was placed Unseen in my dream I was dismayed With fear I faced the mirror And to my great surprise My reflection... The image of the devil And behind... At the very foot of the stairs I could see clouds And heaven from above Through the mirror I could see heaven's gate Forever closed for me All of a sudden A stormwind came And put the mirror in spin Got hold of the thorn Of the highest step I see the mirror stop Yet the wind blows My image... I am Messiah Hanging down the stairs In the reflection a chasm And the gate in front of me Was the back of the gate to hell I was sure to fall A question of seconds But once again The wind came to my help And saved me from the flames But trapped in the grasp of the wind I was violently thrown Towards the spinning mirror And I got caught in the spin New dimensions I saw But I never say the mirror again My last way to redemption Turned out to be a fatal delusion I'm condemned To eternal emptiness Condemned to play roles In a thousand worlds I'm never to be myself again --- It's definitely about some sort of personal evolution, whether or not it's really spiritual or not is debatable, I suppose.
  9. Re: Hi from Liverpool Hi Allison! Nice to see you here. Hope you enjoy yourself.
  10. Re: The Rant I'm not positive Anata are atheists - you ever read their lyrics? They come across as being somewhat spiritual - just not Christian.
  11. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because I don't want to talk about religion.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To? Myself, playing classical guitar.
  13. Re: recommendations? I just got it, and it's actually the first Deathspell Omega I've bought. I like a good bit better than what I've heard of other albums.
  14. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because that is absolutely true.
  15. Re: New Purchases/Acquisitions Blut Aus Nord - Work Which Transforms God Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
  16. Re: What Are You Listening To? Deathspell Omega - Paracletus
  17. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned because prog is awesome.
  18. Re: recommendations? Moderator's Note: due to OP's lack of info and the old way youtube embeds worked it was not possible to recover their video.
  19. Re: MORTILLERY - Female fronted Thrash Metal Without Weapons is pretty fucking cool. And both your singer and bassist are kinda hot. Just sayin' No really, if you guys keep developing you'll have something damn good.
  20. Re: Rate and Slate Rating - Celtic Frost Slating - Nicki Minaj
  21. Re: Ban the user above you! Banned for banning the same people repeatedly.
  22. Re: Now...? Oh wow, great set list.
  23. Re: What Are You Listening To? Bon Iver - Bon Iver
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