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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. So the Lykathea Aflame was great...Stagazer is very enjoyable as well.
  2. 'Heavy Chill' by Equilibrium. More Caribbean influences. Excellent.
  3. Haven't listened to all of them yet. Misery Omen was a little bit slow for my liking but still good, and Rhadamantys has vocals that are kind of an acquired taste for me but I'm very much enjoying the weirdness.
  4. 'Cryptic Evidence' by Rhadamantys.
  5. Listened to Blood Revolt and I liked it a lot. Farmakon was also great, and Misery's Omen is shaping up to be good. Lykathea Aflame has always been kind of odd to me, I've never got into them but ostensibly they check all the boxes of what I usually like. I've heard StarGazer before but for some reason I didn't check them out further...I can't remember why. However, I did just realize why I haven't gotten into Vektor; the lyrics to 'Dark Creations, Dead Creators'. Maybe since it's just one song I can let them off.
  6. 'Uns'rer Floten Kang' by Equilibrium. This is the happiest song I've heard in a while, and it's a great piece of work too. These flutes/penny-whistles/some wind instrument that isn't a digeridoo are excellent!
  7. I hope so, or else he'd be making a bad analysis or something.
  8. No, if I were rooting out of compassion I'd be rooting for Team USA.
  9. Mainly because they had a bloody electoral conflict in 2010 but things seem to be going better for them so it'd be nice to see them do well. Also they're African and the African teams almost never do well. They almost certainly won't win but it'd be nice if they got to the final 4 or something.
  10. I prefer the term 'educated mule'.
  11. I'm rooting for Cote d'Ivoire, it'd be South Africa but they didn't make it.
  12. ...but I love me a smartass.
  13. I'm not deriving any arguments, I'm entirely in favor of legalizing marijuana. I just don't like most weed-smokers I've met. Yes, the indolent stereotype is far more prevalent, but I've not seen people who fit that description. Sometimes they're very involved and very clever people, but they're very up themselves about the fact that they smoke weed. Also, I didn't dismiss them all - I was well aware that it wouldn't be the responsible thing to do and I specifically phrased my statement to reflect that understanding. Incidentally, I don't like dogs, theater people or folks who use text smileys and 'wayyyy' too many letters in words...
  14. That might have something to do with the fact that it's against the law in the vast majority of states. I would theorize that not many people really give a rat's ass about the effects, what they don't like about people smoking weed is that they're breaking the law purely to enjoy themselves. Maybe people assume that legalizing it would encourage that kind of behavior, rather than finally kill the credibility of the notion that smoking weed somehow automatically makes you a more enlightened and circumspect individual.
  15. Have you not heard any pop music?
  16. Yeah, we had an insane thunderstorm last night - lightning striking literally every two seconds.
  17. 'Scavenger's Feast' by Cormorant. Not bad, but I do not get why this got 90% reviews. Maybe it'll be like Lascaille's Shroud albums where the first song is the weakest.
  18. I think I checked out pretty much all of them at this point.
  19. PROOOOOOG In all seriousness, I'd love to get more avant-garde recommendations. I'm busy checking out some of these new polished progressive black or death bands...Ne Obliviscaris was good, I'm going to listen to Cormorant, Anciients and Be'Lakor as well.
  20. My brother got knocked out after the second cut. Ah well. Here's hoping his alternate events go nicely.
  21. Well, yes. That's part of the reason I'm still here.
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