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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I listened to The New Mythology Suite yesterday and it was pretty good, but I still prefer Iconoclast on the whole.
  2. Same here, although I think I will get caught up on HunterXHunter next. Yobo - I'd recommend Soul Eater first, it's funny and gets serious later on. I think Elfen Lied might be a bit heavy (and bloody, for that matter) for a first anime, and I say that because Hellsing was the first one I watched and the butchery literally made me sick at several points.
  3. Wow, and they're actually making you study stats? I assumed they'd just let you blatantly misconstrue them and/or make them up. But seriously, good for you. Free press is vital to economic prosperity and national security - and the study of international politics, for that matter.
  4. Hah. I'm using a computer that's at least 7 years old, so I might not be a good case study.
  5. 'Rain' by my favorite band, Harmony.
  6. Join the club, the lack of functionality is pissing me off.
  7. You're not a sociopath so you're already doing better than her.
  8. I actually got given a book of puzzles as a graduation gift by this clueless single woman who lives alone with her cat and does nothing but brain teasers in her free time. I guess that's what you do when you don't have Internet. Pissed me off in any case. 'Jigsaw' by Madder Mortem.
  9. Starch Enemy? Crepetopsy?
  10. ^ Wow, that's like a synthesis of my mom, my dad and me... 'Distance Will Save Us' by Madder Mortem.
  11. That central building looks like Healy Hall at my university.
  12. Salmon Amarth, Steakuilibrium, Beefoken, Pop-Tarcturus made with real Meshuggarcane and influenced by Beansryche. I hear Dan Swano played with Eggs of Sanity before moving on to his solo project Pan.Fry.Monium. Quaker Oatpeth maybe?
  13. Have they stopped being soulless? I don't like either band as a whole but to be honest I like Periphery as an instrumental outing. I'm with you on Sotelo's vocals, they're terrible.
  14. Welcome to the forum, Myndsnare and Guillotine are pretty good and I like a little from Crypted and Fragerrak as well.
  15. 'Existence' by Aghora. Not quite as good as I remember but still engaging. Also Mere is back, huzzah.
  16. Seriously? Wow, I was kidding. What's your friend's name, Kikkoman Kawasaki? Komatsu Toshiba?
  17. Out of curiosity, why are BDM not considered metal? I'll readily accept that they're crap, but if they're not metal then are they just unusually involved hardcore or metalcore or something?
  18. 'Transfiguration' by Aghora. Mercifully this overpowers the Rihanna that was blasting from the lounge.
  19. I don't like hoodies since they always push my hair against my neck and make my face even greasier than it usually is. At least I don't get acne any more. Pity since the only really good piece of Manticora merch available is a hoodie, everything else is kind of poorly designed.
  20. Fair enough. Wal-Mart would be kind of a crap place to die. They're partying again. At least they have a good cause this time, it's a birthday...but I can't chuffing breathe for the weed smoke and all the people in here.
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