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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'Embrace the Limitless' by Voyager. Actually, this album was good. I will need to give it another listen through though. It sounded a bit too poppy, but I want to make sure I heard it all properly. Overall I'd say it's actually their best, which means they've essentially just been improving since I Am the ReVolution.
  2. 'You, the Shallow' by Voyager. The band seems to have very wisely released two of the crap songs as singles, but this is great. I really hope the rest of the album is this caliber, it'd be their best yet.
  3. When I was 14 I remember some Mexican girl and two of her guy friends walked up to me and began playing with my hair...asked 'how old are you, cutie?' I just told her to shut up and she buzzed off but that was one of the strangest things I've ever experienced. I wish I'd had the wherewithal to ask which hole I was going to end up with since two were already taken...
  4. I've seen an abnormal amount of Gran Turismos (including one in a shade of pearl white that I thought would look lovely on a women's fitted leather jacket). There's a red 3000GT that's often parked on O Street and a blue one that I've seen driving around. There are also one or two Quattroportes that I remember seeing.
  5. Good question, really. My title is Conference Assistant but basically all I've been doing is inspecting rooms and entering any problems into a database.
  6. 'A Legend Reborn' by HammerFall.
  7. This was the easiest day at work I've ever had, we did absolutely nothing. I listened through Manticora's 'Hyperion' album and a bit of 'Defying the Rules' by Hibria and got some great inspiration for armor.
  8. Quattroporte, in dark blue.
  9. Also, why is your character named after a brand of Ramen noodle? Granted, it is the better brand, but why?
  10. They do count as death metal, but they've got to be one of the most nondescript groups I've ever heard, right up there with Soilwork and Kataklysm.
  11. Today I saw some young East Asian guy in a Maserati playing rap music. (Pity, because the engine note sounded more sexually charismatic than Cloudscape's Michael Andersson in a tuxedo.) That was some weird-ass cognitive dissonance, let me tell you.
  12. The 'Let It Go' routine by Bill Burr. Terrifying, depressing and hilarious all at once... what's scary about this is that I am learning through his routine that I could get a solid career merely by complaining about things I hate. Very tempting, but the problem is that his life has to suck in order for the routine to keep working. I still have hope, at least.
  13. Equilibrium was one, actually. Another group I discovered out of the blue that turned out to be awesome was Heidevolk, and it was the same story with Myrath and Bran Barr.
  14. Iceni


    Ehmmm. I'd rather not send you the first two, when I said they're crap I mean it. The latest one I did was a story in the Teen Titans universe...is that all right? It's still not great. I say so because I didn't make up all the names and characters myself. I suppose at least you might not start thinking that there's a self-insert character in it. For what it's worth I might make a Fairy Tail story at some point, but what I'd like to be able to do is finish up the original story idea I have in mind.
  15. Iceni


    Surely eliminating humanity would make the world less chaotic, we're easily the most complex and therefore least predictable organisms on this rock. If you want to show your undying allegiance to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, go blow up Uranus. Alternately, I'd say you could effectively spread chaos by simultaneously telling everyone that their ideas are great and yet clamping down on any ideas that are in any way different from the norm. In other words, just make sure the world is run by college students.
  16. 'Abyss' by Circus Maximus. Probably their best.
  17. I suppose 7 of the 8 nails in the coffin of my romantic life are already in, I might as well just pound down this last one. Physically Repulsive, Angry, Socially Inept, Religious, Anal-retentive, Self-centered, Home-bound... Might as well add Hobbyist just to make sure I'm a well-rounded loser...
  18. 'The Crypt' by Septicflesh.
  19. Well, I wore my Extol shirt, calf-length boots, camo shorts and leather bracer, with the aim of helping them get a general estimation of what sort of music I was into. The assistant pastor got an alternate signal, though, she asked me whether I played Magic: the Gathering. It's got to be the glasses...
  20. Iceni


    I've written three novels, two of which were crap and one of which is oddly paced but a lot better. None of them are published, of course. I've written stuff up for several different story ideas but I've rarely gotten that far with them, only about maybe 40 pages or so before I run out of inspiration.
  21. Went to church for the first time in months and I'm very excited. It's a Presbyterian church with a lot of nice and highly qualified people (I met two graduates of the Princeton Theological Seminary) and got some books out of the library. I really hope I can fit in there, it'd be good to have a church I actually look forward to attending.
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