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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I should be catching the US-Portugal match tonight. Church was nice, they baptized a cute baby.
  2. Yet another humble intellect hereabouts.
  3. ^Prep for ProgPower Europe? 'Halls of Decadence' by Sarpantium.
  4. Providing a useful dating perspective.
  5. 'Sheltered' by Serenity. Superb progressive power metal.
  6. People occasionally mention that they see me 'rocken out', which has actually begun to annoy me although it really shouldn't. The thing is, rocking out is what rockers do. Metalheads do headbanging (yes, even prog heads like me). It's a matter of vigor.
  7. I did actually consider whether Houston was worse, since it was my benchmark for humidity but I do actually think DC is worse, the summers are murderous. I cannot go outside for more than three minutes before I start sweating and my hair gets messed up. Seven minutes and I might as well not even have showered. It's the only place I've been where it's ever been hot and raining heavily. Even Alabama isn't that bad. Of course, considering I want to do work regarding Central Africa I've probably seen nothing yet.
  8. $200 for a ping-pong racket? Shosholoza... @Syuurin 'Embarrassed to be around him' I'd not considered this as a possibility as to why I don't have many friends but maybe I should. Maybe it's not socially acceptable to participate in Sing-Along Songs with Stanne and His Band when walking around campus and headbanging?
  9. Or maybe 'Enjoys stuff unknown to me.' But then that just sounds like the other person is a crackhead.
  10. I used to troll the hell out of my coworkers with Russkaja, they hate them... Watched the Germany-Ghana game today and that was fairly fun.
  11. 'Inner World' by Bohema. Not sure how to feel about this, it's the 438th metal band to use Egyptian themes but they're a little better than usual. It's difficult to judge.
  12. Be'Lakor definitely, they blow the pants off of OG. Ne Obliviscaris or In Vain?
  13. Iceni


    Augh, I haven't studied enough theology to have a favorite theologian. I'm trying to familiarize myself with Calvin but he's so maddeningly obtuse that it's tough for me to get much of anything from him. As for modern theologians, I always had some fondness for Os Guinness but that's about it. Plus that was a while ago.
  14. I've not watched Metalocalypse but Dethklok never interested me much and the name alone annoys me. The reason Rockalypse actually worked for Lordi is because it's got a shared syllabic sound between the two words and when the pun is made it's the same number of syllables, which makes it pithy and appropriate.
  15. Iceni


    Generally it's the nature and purpose of free will, morality, salvation and love that I think are the most pertinent. The interplay between theology and politics also interests me. I know a little about Buddhism and Hinduism but I'm not up on Confucianism or Shinto.
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