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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Nah, I wasn't talking about edgy films. I'm just saying that these film nerds and foodies ruin movies and munchies for me.
  2. Dats wot she sed HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEH
  3. 'Influence Through Ritualistic Projection' by Gigan. So, this is cool.
  4. And besides, edgy subjects are fun. Non-edgy subjects are the ones everyone knows too much about and it's just miserable trying to discuss them. Films come to mind for me.
  5. I think he/she said he/she was a crossdresser.
  6. I loved the horrible spelling too... also 'I ned hellmit coz ov pollen and ayr-born pathergens'
  7. I did, I thought I was reading a maternity pamphlet by Robert Mugabe...
  8. It's literally the first line and I've already cracked up...'Ridley walked up to Samus. He was really nervous.'
  9. That's what I want to ask the OP.
  10. If you don't like her voice that's fine, I remember I wasn't a massive fan when I first heard it. Same thing with Jens Carlsson of Persuader - and like I said, I do have my own gripes with the band. Speaking of tastes, I've got to say, I don't get the OP's whole 'girl bands say fuck it more often than the guy bands' thing...
  11. You're kidding. The singer kicks ass and so does the band. I don't remember any vocal performance of hers that I thought was bad. My gripe with them is that sometimes their riffs are a little simple and their acoustic passages go on for a bit long. Otherwise a great group. What album are you listening to?
  12. I hate ships, why the hell do they never make any sense? It's a pity nobody ever comes up with ships that are actually better than the story.
  13. I couldn't remember what you said in all that, I must have forgotten your post but now that you mention it that does jog my memory. There was that one case in India of a bunch of minors gang-raping an adult, that was a million different kinds of horrifying. Well, I think a lot of people have been saying that it's easier to open up with complete strangers since you've got much less chance of performing a faux pas.
  14. Hm, OK. That could be fun. I'm leery of it because this girl I know really likes it, but I hate her guts.
  15. What exactly is the deal with Hetalia? Is it world history?
  16. That's what I'm talking about. It's easy to be a straight-talker when everyone around you supports what you're saying. As an example of how people tend to respond to my views, I might as well also use an example from this very forum. I asked a fairly simple and straightforward question: why is pedophilia morally wrong? I was amazed at how completely incapable everyone was of explaining why. Some people even accused me of supporting pedophilia, merely because I asked them to explain themselves. I eventually figured out (on my own) that it had to do with age of consent and the idea that anyone below the age of consent cannot give consent and is therefore considered to be a rape victim in the event of sexual intercourse between an adult and a minor. The other problem is that these arguments can be won with sheer confidence even if I do cite evidence - they can subdue evidence by throwing in a couple worthless comments about subjectivity and language and conflicting opinions in academia. All the other person needs to do is act like I'm an idiot and they'll win because the audience already sides with them.
  17. I'm 24% Texas, apparently. I love that the icon is a stereotypical Parisian...
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