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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Watching the game, dumbass. I don't do selfies either so that's why there was no communication from me.
  2. Netherlands wins, yaaaayyy. Only I won't be able to see the semifinals or finals since I'll be at work.
  3. 'Anehao, hao iz yer seggslife?'
  4. The melody was good and I do think the song was enjoyable. However, I would say making another melody (or just making this one more intricate) and fixing the drums would be an improvement. Overall I'm glad to see this kind of thing, I love seeing the diversity of folk metal.
  5. 'Liberation Through Hearing' album by Inanimate Existence. Nicely done Brutal tech-death, although there are a few too many acoustic bits here for my liking.
  6. It was just frustrating for me rooting for a team that seemed determined to suck.
  7. Argentina have stripy jerseys. They are not to be trusted.
  8. Yeah, it was kinda boring. Brazil-Colombia was better but to be honest it wasn't quite the game I was hoping for. Germany-Ghana remains my favorite match so far.
  9. 'Molecular Resurrection' by Omnihility. Another Unique Leader band that it sounds like I'll enjoy.
  10. The Belgium game should be pretty interesting.
  11. No idea. Two of them seemed to be fooling around with each other in some non-specified way, but I didn't ask. it's just annoying me, I suppose it is my roommate's room as well but I'm very protective of my stuff. I don't want people around my stuff.
  12. Yet another lovely Quizno's carbonarra. It's distracting me from all the loud, drunk-ass bastards in this apartment right now. There were three people in my room and they locked the door. I got in, but I am seriously considering a room change.
  13. Is it any better than Metamorphosis and Architect of Lies? Those two albums were crap, I always thought The Hours That Remain was the last good album they did. Not that I don't like Mercenary, almost everything they did before and including THTR was great.
  14. Sigh, Diabolical Masquerade, Agalloch, ...and Oceans, Drottnar, Lo-Ruhamah, Ne Obliviscaris and many more.
  15. I didn't say anything...
  16. Oh, the temptation, it burns...oh, think of the jokes that could be made by taking this out of context...
  17. That is on my list, right now I'm going to do Evangelion.
  18. That's pathetic, sounds like incompetence all the way down. My dad would be pissed.
  19. I agree, it's better to do your own taxes.
  20. Geez, I guess all we need is a purple dinosaur and we'll all be havin' one helluva grand old time up in here.
  21. May God have mercy upon their souls.
  22. Yeah, even I can make pasta...
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