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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. I read that as 'the baguette herself'...
  2. Ouais, c'est un photo d'une baguette, dit Monsieur Foucault...
  3. But they go both ways, I think you'll find...
  4. No, it was my life savings. My Doritos account is safe.
  5. Had to fix my account balance today and transfer some funds because apparently being overdrawn $2.50 puts me in danger of being reported to the Credit Association...
  6. I suppose she's... On her period.
  7. That's fine, I would have been OK with any of those. They's cheery. 'Specially the green one. I love the green one.
  8. Any reason you decided to use that particular smiley?
  9. Yes, because to be a better Christian is to be a better human being. I'm guilty of all of the 'seven cardinal sins', but sloth, wrath and lust probably rank as the three that I'm least successful in combating.
  10. All interesting conversations take place early in the morning. Not enough. I hold its values supreme but I frequently act out of accordance with said values. I wish I were a better Christian than I am and I'm trying to work on it. However, I'd say overall it influences my life very strongly, which is why I couldn't be in a relationship with anyone who didn't share that value set. As you'll see by my posts on this forum I attempt to defend Christianity perpetually and derive my ethical sentiments from it.
  11. Yeah, essentially. There's a passage in one of the Pauline Epistles where it's stated that it's acceptable for Christians to marry non-Christians.
  12. Clearly not a very good Protestant if she was that rude. As for my limitation, it's about similar beliefs. I can be friends with someone of a different religion but I cannot imagine attempting to swing a relationship with anyone who didn't share my faith. Theologically it's actually permissible but I personally couldn't hack it.
  13. Yes; a Protestant and a serious one at that. Another limit on my romantic prospects; not many intelligent girls who are also meaningfully Protestant. Parenthetically I do love a nice silver cross necklace.
  14. If I'm honest I'm answering because I like to talk about myself, as you know I don't have any dating experience whatsoever. Honestly, any of those could work if she's a kind, interesting Christian. I'm not all that fussed about hair length although I don't like anything shorter than a pixie cut and I'm not fond of frizzy hair. Glasses are nice provided they're the right sort. I don't like tattoos, if only because you can't get an MRI with them, and generally piercings are ugly although a pair of ear studs can look marvelous. If I had to pick an ideal look it's usually something combining panache with practicality; fitted jeans and shirt over a healthy frame is something I usually find attractive. Fitted leather jackets are awesome.
  15. They certainly aren't mil-spec, but then neither am I.
  16. Kind of a presumptuous title, what if I just want to listen to one track?
  17. Oh yes, those bottles of body wash/facial scrub/'cleanser' really get me hot under the collar...
  18. Was listening to the new Iron Savior. It's OK, a number of songs were good. In particular 'Revenge of the Bride' was fun.
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