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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Vraiment? Je n'avais pas parle souvent... Yes, my dad does speak Afrikaans fluently.
  2. 'Serenity' by In The Silence.
  3. Je voudrais travailler en Afrique avec le Foreign Service des Etats-Unis, (sur les politiques Africains). Et je sais deja l'Anglais et l'autre langue plus commun dans la region est le Francais, donc je l'ai choisi.
  4. 'All The Pieces' by In The Silence. Enjoyable melodic stuff with prog stuff here and there. More material for Yobo but I have to say I'm liking this quite a lot better than Novembre.
  5. 'Unsrer Floten Klang' by Equilibrium. This NEEDS to be the Fairy Tail theme, it's bloody perfect. Myrath kicks ass. And yes, I changed my avatar. The other one warn't working very well. Far as I know lekker means awesome in Afrikaans...is it not the same in Dutch or Flemish?
  6. 'Depredation' by Excruciating Thoughts. Wow, this album sure picked up. These last three tracks have been some lekker stuff.
  7. Well, that and the thermostat keeps screwing up in the room and conking out during the nighttime so I wake up with swamp head. Luckily I don't give a rat's ass about how my coworkers think I look, but all the same it'd be nice not to have my hair buggered all the time.
  8. 'Cloudbusting' by Novembre. Seems like more Yobo stuff. I'm enjoying it but I do wish there were more proggy bits.
  9. I did absolutely nothing at work today. Not that I can make a wallpaper out of that. ...So long hair's a head-turner then? Hope springs eternal for my moribund romantic ambitions, I suppose...now to find a place I can work where the weather doesn't screw with my hair so badly.
  10. New Novembers Doom? Hell yes! I need to check this out.
  11. I know a mom who does this kind of crap to her son, it's like she wants his life to be miserable. She's divorced but her ex-husband lives on the same street...in any case she does her damnedest to make sure he doesn't see the ex-husband. She also won't let her son get a drivers' license or a phone. She never supports this kid even though that'd do him a lot of good just now, but she acts like a human pooper scooper for her daughter - she never punishes that girl at all. And what a pity, because this girl really deserves a hefty ass-whooping or two. Makes me grateful that my mom got divorced from her first husband before having me or my brother. Good call on her part, from what I've heard about this guy; Occasionally abusive Catholic alcoholic...that would've been real fun.
  12. Nah, I can't stand drunk people. They annoy the hell out of me.
  13. 'Same' by Farmakon. Wow, the acoustic stuff isn't crap. It's a little long-winded, but reasonably engaging. I love the funk and renaissance influences in particular. I also listened through the full album of Blood Revolt today and it was absolutely amazing.
  14. Me too, only I can't give horns up just now.
  15. I'm pretty sure there was a Lego Life On Mars playset with such a device.
  16. AWW YEEEAAAH. Let's get holistic up in here!
  17. PHbbt. France, Switzerland, Ghana or Cote d'Ivoire. Or really just anyone besides Spain, Argentina, Brazil or Germany.
  18. 'Deathbed' by Mephistopheles. Apparently this has jazz influences. I'd like to hear them sometime.
  19. That's good, I liked their first two albums and some material from the latest release. Listening to 'Ascending the Divine' by Sarpanitum; this one's a little too slammy for my liking but they've got a good style so I'm holding out hope for the rest of the album.
  20. Iceni


    Nope, nothing will stop you and your meat from having a grand old time. Oh wait, I'm probably thinking of me.
  21. ''By Moon and Star' by Be'Lakor. Eluveitie definitely counts.
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