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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Doctor of magnetism and quartz. Collateral? Pshaw. Their harm was intentional. I shoot at both sides.
  2. Iceni


    The impression I had was that Helvetios was more melodeath and less folk. In my opinion it was also less good. Certainly not devoid of effort but they seemed to take too many easy routes to writing the songs in an accessible melodeath style instead of trying to keep the folk elements and technicality prominent.
  3. Increasingly a musical bedfellow. No homo.
  4. Glory To The Brave up to and including Chapter V: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken is good. Threshold was where they screwed up and it's just gotten worse from there.
  5. My hair looked the best it's been in weeks this morning. Unfortunately I was running around outside a fair bit today for work so it didn't last, even though the weather was also better than it's been in a while.
  6. Iceni


    I don't know, I think Spirit came pretty close.
  7. 'Renegade' by Hammerfall. Back when they didn't suck.
  8. There's a difference between self-interest and selfishness. Lack of self-interest/self-esteem can be unhealthy, most specifically as that tendency manifests itself in indolence and in extreme cases suicide. Humility and self-interest can coexist, humility and selfishness cannot.
  9. I think your point is correct as a de facto statement describing many cases, so I'm just going to take issue with one point: Sort of. The thing is, one needs a certain attitude to get into heaven, and it's impossible to fake that disposition because it consists of humility. For what it's worth I went to a discussion yesterday at the church I'm currently attending where they evaluated the whole concept of heaven and whether or not it's quite the way people imagine. The lecturer was proposing a new, permanent physical realm bereft of pain, rather than the purely metaphysical idea I'm used to. I would pin that attitude of cynical fealty more on Mormons in principle, who have a set list of things to do.
  10. What I envisioned was opening on a shot of Lucy sleeping and then Natsu bouncing through the window or something and brusquely waking her up, the both of them running over to the guild hall and making their way through the various characters (who in all probability are fighting) to nab a job on the wall and bring along Gray, and Erza, who would be bringing up the rear, brandishing Gray's clothes in one hand and drinking from a large cup of coffee in the other as they pelt off to the train station.
  11. ^ Yes! That album kicks ass. 'The Wall Between Worlds' by Ontogeny.
  12. Possibly, but I still don't see anything particularly anti-ego about the ideas of compassion or karma.
  13. So did you see the Robin Williams routine as well then?
  14. 'Truth In Worth' by Ontogeny. Kind of a mixed bag with these guys, they have a lot of good riffs but they occasionally lay it on a bit heavy with the arpeggio wheedling and and slam-death FRUM BRUM BRUBBA BRUM BUM BUM business.
  15. 'Unserer Floten Klang' by Equilibrium. Seriously, Midi. Imagine this as the Fairy Tail opening: ov7fAWQlMq8
  16. I don't think it's in the Qur'an, from what I know it's just some bollocks that al-Qaeda made up.
  17. That's good to hear since I assumed as much.
  18. Oh, you choco-chomping asshole.
  19. Ehh, probably Indiana Jones. I might just encounter 'headhunters' depending on where I work. Spy or mercenary?
  20. Yes, there's no need to be blase but there are certain belief systems that encourage that way of thinking. 'Christian Science' comes across as one example. And from what little I know about Buddhism it lends itself to such an attitude as well.
  21. I'm saying it's illogical to adopt a blase attitude towards life if you're a Christian (can't speak for other religions and won't pretend to). Plenty of good reasons to work for prosperity like everyone else.
  22. 'Legacy of Loss' by Vale of Pnath.
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