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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. A free Epica concert? I hate you so much...
  2. 'In Memory' by Excruciating Thoughts. MAN this is good.
  3. GAK No, not really. More like the lead singer from Excalion.
  4. No, it's just longer in the back by default. I can't seem to grow it evenly, it's always longer in the back. It's like a genetic mullet or something.
  5. Probably a little over two feet at the longest bit and 20 inches or so at the shortest. Past my armpits.
  6. It is a pain in the arse.
  7. niaga siht toN HHHHGGGRRRRAAAAA
  8. Ouch, if Dave doesn't like a woman then you know she's a right minger.
  9. Thrash bores the hell out of me as well.
  10. I don't think I've seen any film that made me think seriously and that's fine with me because all of the films I've seen that were supposed to do that were crap anyway: Cloud Atlas and District 9 didn't offer much of anything past special effects. I liked Inception, and I thought it was better than the Matrix.
  11. I saw up to the one about Entei and that one just kind of screwed with my head too much, so I left off.
  12. Stubble can look great but generally if I see someone around my age with stubble I tend to think 'asshole ahoy.'
  13. That's great. I guess since she's little it's kind of Chuck Schuldiner? Or can she get to the Lord Worm end of things?
  14. My guess is that it indicates discipline and masculinity. People say they don't mind long hair on men as long as it's well taken-care of, but I'm not so sure - I suspect many of them would view it as vain. And that still doesn't address the whole short hair as more masculine thing. I have to wonder whether guys with beards get the same crap as clean-shaven people like me about long hair.
  15. Cross-apply to every single genre of music ever.
  16. Augh, I hate baseball. Hate football too. Boring and incomprehensible sports, boring and incomprehensible fans.
  17. Well, remember Wout was a particular dickhead to deathstorm, so I understand if the memory's still fresh in his mind.
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