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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. Only spit balling here, YMMV, but several observations I have after having the problem again.

    Chrome responds with the 504 error within about 40 seconds.

    Firefox (latest) responds with nothing, it waits for a response from the server for about 50 seconds then it just stops trying to do anything and stays on the current page.

    It seems to last for about 20-25 mins before the site loads again.

    While trace and ping, at the same time the site seems unresponsive, work, the bottleneck seems to be the final link to the server, (i.e. the server not responding to the remote client request quick enough).

    The server logs possibly have a bunch of similar errors in them but they should reveal more about the error, stuff like bad php requests, or page errors, etc.





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