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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. What really annoys me is that it's all the good tasting food that is not good for us. That just seems so unfair to me. If they made lettuce taste like donuts salad would obviously taste different and we might look a little odd chowing down on a head of lettuce at our work desk, but we'd at least be eating healthy!

    If apples tasted like chocolate parents wouldn't spend their days asking if Little Johnny had eaten his fruit, they'd know he ate three of them!

    But lets not stop there, lets make food interchangeable with taste so that if you want an apple you have an apple, but if you want a slab of chocolate you have two apples.


    Edit: I agree on the carbs thing too. I should watch my intake of carbs more than I do, but I'm not sure if too many make me tired because I barely sleep these days as a result of too many years of shift work and bad sleeping habits.

  2. Who'd really want their favourite band lumped in with the likes of James and Lars, Scott and Charlie, and Dave and his Ego. I realise they all have massive egos but Dave Mustaine's takes up a tour bus on it's own, the rest at least share the bus.


    Leave the Big 4 as it is and lets bands like Exodus, Testament, Overkill and Flotz do what they do best, kick arse!

  3. I like Titans and Brotherhood. Titans has one crappy song that wasn't needed (Catacombs) but I liked how Titans came out. Sure the early albums are good and cemented them as a thrash band worthy of being at the top but I don't think the last few albums where just going through the motions.

    Chuck and co do put on killer shows, even when they are sitting mid tier on some festival gig, but their headline gigs are still as good now as they used to be.

  4. It's always a good day when Overkill release a new gem. They've got a formula and they don't stray from it too much, but that formula works for them. For me they went a little off the path after Horrorscope but they've definitely come back with the last few albums. Wings, Grinding Wheel and White Devil Armory are all constant players for me.

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