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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. If it had been classic Crue I definitely would have gone but I really stopped being interested in Crue after Dr. Feelgood. It probably would have been an okay show but the same year we had so many good bands I was 'showed' out.

    I'm going to give the entire Black album anniversary thing a miss. I don't hate the album but there is no way I could listen to an album with so many cover versions of the same song. I do think Miley and Elton make Nothing Else Matter better than Metallica ever did but again I can only handle so much of that album.


  2. Conspiracies are rife everywhere, flat earth, space, etc, etc, there are people all over the world believing all sorts of weird shit. Aussies aren't immune from conspiracies, (we have nut jobs too!) but until last night I didn't realise our nut jobs had a local crime conspiracy to hang their hat on. I saw a thing on TV last night that claimed 19% of Australian's believe that the Port Arthur massacre was set up by the government to allow them to buy back peoples guns. Mass death and an expensive buy back scheme just to melt down weapons, sounds like a winning government policy all round!

    Our gun laws are spoken about all over the world, some of what they say is even true, and it's no secret that some of the harshest of our gun laws came in as a result of Port Arthur. Some of the protests from land owners and gun owners at the time the laws were coming possibly rivals anything the NRA could put together. In one town with a population of about 12,000 the Prime Minister (Mr. Eyebrows) meet with a reported 30,000 people. Such rallies happened in many towns and cities and the government held strong to create some very unpopular rules.

    But to think our government, or any one in our government, had the ability to pull off a massacre and keep it a secret from all but a small group of people (nut jobs) is unbelievable. Our governments cant keep secrets between two people in a locked room let alone something that would require multiple levels of people working to make it happen!


  3. On 9/7/2021 at 8:49 AM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    the one album i dont get is reload. ive never listened to it much. fuel is a fun track. but my reload cd is just gathering dust in the attic.  should  listen to it more of a listen


    I won reLoad in a radio competition, along with tickets to Motley Crue in 97. I listened to reLoad once and didn't like it and I never went to Motley Crue despite actually liking them back in the 80's. Both the CD and the tickets are still in a box here somewhere.

    Speaking of Metallica who has grown to like Miley Cyrus singing Nothing Else Matters with them?

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