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AlSymerz last won the day on November 11

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About AlSymerz

  • Birthday 01/01/1900


  • Biography
    Lurking in any popular vegie patch
  • Location
    the vegie garden
  • Interests
    worms and bugs and stuff

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    Not Telling
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  1. Chromatic Death - Hoodycore Tape
  2. I used to do the same thing to my kids. Kids theme songs are so easy to bastardise and get a laugh out of kids. NP: Destruction - The Least Successful Human Cannonball
  3. 12 is definitely too old for Caillou. Thankfully for me, my kids were a little too old to pay attention to Caillou when it started screening here, but it was one of those shows, like Daniel Tiger that got put on high rotation by our national broadcaster. Seemed like every time we turned on the kids channel it was Caillou, or Daniel Tiger or Peppa Pig. My kids were really into Dora the Explorer. The best thing about that was that the DVD's went for 30 mins each so we could stick them in front of the tv and know we had 30 min blocks to get things done. NP: Helloween - Rabbit Dont Come Easy
  4. M.O.D. - The Rebel You Love To Hate
  5. Phantom Blue - Prime Cuts & Glazed Donuts
  6. I know the idea of kids shows is to tell good, do the right thing etc but some shows like Daniel Tiger just take that too far. There is only one other show I remember that took the 'best behaved kid' thing too far and that was an old one called Caillou which was on at about the time our kids were young. That little bald headed freak was the worst goodie two shoes ever! If you're kids aren't watching Caillou don't let them start! Disincarnate - Dreams Of The Carrion Kind
  7. Mortal Sin - Every Dog Has It's Day
  8. I thought Bluey had gone worldwide with all episodes, but maybe it's only on Disney's paid platform. There's a 154 episodes and 20 minsodes in total. There is a couple that may not translate well with the American audience if they don't understand cricket or rugby and there is a couple there that will even bring a tear to a grown man's eye. That Daniel Tiger theme song is a catchy little ditty but shit it becomes painful quickly.
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