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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. I'm not against governments giving money to bands but I'd definitely like to see it fairly distributed. I don't have any evidence of the exact numbers but it's a fairly safe bet given who is on TV here and who is appearing at the gigs that money given to cultural groups is not fairly shared to metal bands.

    We've got a good number of indigenous metal bands coming through now days, some aren't great but that happens, however giving them some support, not just financial would be a good thing.

  2. Does Alien Weaponry actually get funding due to their culture?

    I find that interesting. I know there has been quite a number of aboriginal artists in Australia who got government funding to boost their career but most of them were popular music type genres. There has been a few metal acts that got helped along the way by government funds, either with publicity or actual money but they are few and far between.

    As far as the rest of this discussion goes, power metal, folk metal, exotic folk, who invented it, where it came from, who does it best. They are all reasons I tend to ignore genres and labels and just listen to what the hell I like the sound of.


  3. For me when Bones and Booth eventually got together the writers tried too hard for personal parts of each story and it upset the flow of the eps. When they weren't an item those stories flowed better, there was sexual tension, there was just general tension, but as soon as the relationship became official it went from natural to forced. They had some good supporting staff too with just about all the characters, but even Angela and Hodgins relationship stories felt forced, although being supporting cast members theirs wasn't in the same focus, so it was better.

  4. Standard Tim Tams aren't worth the praise some aussies give them, they are nothing short of a chocolate biscuit wrapped in chocolate with some chocolate flavoured cream. The only good way to eat a standard Tim Tam is as a part of a Tim Tam Slam and that's bite the end off and suck coffee through it like a straw.

    The real worth of Tim Tams are the 'special' or flavoured ones. Some like the Tiramisu are very average and not worth buying. Double Choc are not worth buying. But Mint, White Chocolate and Caramel Tim Tams are the only real reasons to keep the factory open.


  5. Through no fault of the cast I do think Midsummer got a little stale in the writing and production in the last series I saw which was S22. It's on our free to air TV here so no doubt I'll watch the latest series when it arrives but it's no longer a must watch show like it used to be.

    Candy Fluff is about right with Bones. They should never have let Bones and Booth get involved romantically, once they had to start writing romantic parts into the story other parts of the show just fell away. It does happen a lot with all sorts of shows when they let two main stars become romantic but for me that was the downfall of Bones. Kathy Reichs books are much more readable than the last season or two of the series.


  6. I tend to agree with you about the presence of the new guy (can't remember his name) not being the same as John Nettles. He's not a bad actor, he's just not the Barnaby that the show was grown on. But I liked Sgt Troy and DS Jones more than I liked the more recent guys too. I also think original Barnaby's wife did a better job at solving the cases for him that new Barnaby's wife does, the new one just doesn't come across as natural in the role of expert case solver and wife.

    Bergerac was brilliant. We used to get a lot of first run UK cop shows on our local ABC but these days most of our free to air channels seem to cycle through the old classics. The Bill didn't need to be repeated it went forever anyway, but these days we still get regulars like Morse, George Gently, Rosemary and Thyme, Silent Witness, Foyles War, Endeavour, Lewis, Frost. I've seen a lot of them when they first aired, but still watch some of them when I'm channel surfing and find nothing else to watch.

    I also liked the little more off beat ones like Wire In The Blood, Life On Mars, Jonathan Creek and New Tricks.


  7. My stupidest dreams are in shorter sleeps. I only sleep 2-3 hours at a time these days but if I am asleep only an hour that's when I tend to wake from dreams, and the sillier of them usually happen in the early hours of the morning around 1 or 2 AM.

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