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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. 15 minutes ago, Dead1 said:

     3 superb albums (Metal Church, The Dark and Blessing in Disguise) but are they too far removed from thrash?


    That's one of the reasons I tend not to do these sorts of things. Too many people with too many ideas on what a particular genre is and whether it can be stretched to include a particular band. I like what I like and I don't much care of the genre people want to label it. I'm not a big fan of the last two Metal Church albums and to me it seems like Kurdt is pushing the band into a more mainstream type sound that I'm not a fan of but the band had some killer stuff early on and if someone says they wont listen to it because it's power and not thrash I tend to just laugh.

  2. I'm a bit sick of bands telling us their new albums are going to be <insert epic sounding noun> only to be let down. I really hope Exodus' new one is a killer and has all the great things Gary has spoken about, but I wont get really excited until I hear some songs, or the album.

    Based on the last two albums and the idea that album 3 was written at a similar time Flots next album will be a day one buyer for me.

  3. 3 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    As much as I like "World Won't Miss You", I don't think I've ever listened to this one. How is it?

    Reverend is one of those bands where I don't like a full album enough to play it all time. As much as I like CCR I don't really like Reverend's cover, this album does filler like there is filler between every good song.


    Heretic - A Game You Cannot Win

  4. I don't understand genres so I listen to whatever music I like :)

    These days I have a range of things from older bands like Flotsam & Jetsam, Metal Church, Overkill, Dark Angel, newer stuff like Angelus Apatrida, Dust Bolt, Bonded and Plague Years. But I generally listen to anything from hard rock to death metal. About all I don't listen to is black metal and dance music.

  5. ^ I know the feeling I don't even remember the name of half the kids movies, they just blend into each other. I did watch Jungle Cruise last night, it wasn't too bad, at least it wasn't just another sequel or a reboot.


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