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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. Apart from bios which I've got heaps of, I used to predominantly read horror, King, Barker, Laymon, Little, but in the last decade or so I've moved onto a more diverse range like Preston And Child, Sanford, Barclay and some of the Clancy Op Center and Net Force books.

  2. As an old school metalhead having the physical copy is definitely a preference for me, I like the cover art, lyrics, pics and all those sorts of things. But after 40 years of collecting the space the collection takes up definitely has its disadvantages. I find myself using digital music a lot more these days, in the car, the truck, and on my phone, the is no doubt that being able to put so many songs onto a USB or SD card and take them anywhere is a major advantage.

  3. I like both bands, although I don't listen to much Metallica after the black album. I listen to Megadeth a lot more but again tend to ignore the later stuff a bit. Dystopia was a reasonable album but still not to the same level as those 80's and 90's albums. However I'm loosing interest in the new Megadeth album as the days go on, Dave has not released a great Megadeth album without Ellefson and I don't see that changing now.

  4. I still have Ed Hunter on CD Rom, you're right it was bloody terrible. Maiden also have their Legacy of the Beast (I think it is) for phones which I haven't looked at since it was first released.

    Kiss also did a game called Psycho Circus, although they aren't really metal and there was all manner of pinball games that had metal bands as the themes but they were licensed probably not actually having the band work on them.

    There was also some very early games like Holy Diver that had metal references including using metal personalities as their characters but again not specific to a band.


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