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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. 2 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

    In all honesty it actually creates a more terrifying proposition: consider that with every update of existing software there are new glitches which themselves need to be patched or updated, when the intelligence of this hypothetical entity exists purely as strings of code any number of glitches could cause it to react  in a very unpredictable, but equally a very human way, in other words and all powerful entity capable of experiencing greed, anger, and so on

    Isn't this basically what the Matrix trilogy assumed? That given a large enough code, errors will accumulate and need a way to be contained, or purged from the system. Smith was the error, and Neo was created as the killswitch to balance out the equation and prompt a reboot.

    Could we safely assume that an independant AI's first course of action would be to protect it self? So it would first make sure it has infinite resources to stay operational, and no way to be switched off. I think that's the phase where humans may be in jeopardy, beyond that it doesn't feel logical that an AI would really bother with us unless necessary.

  2. Might be that CM still has the rights to the early BM stuff. Ulver are all over the place since Perdition City. From very ambient, minimalistic sounds (Silence teaches you to sing, Lyckantropen Themes) to more pop-like stuff like Assassination of Julius Ceasar and Flowers of Evil (both very good btw). Basically, Ulver is art-music made palatable for the masses.

  3. 30 minutes ago, JonoBlade said:

    Eradicating humans only takes the press of a button. What do you do with the rest of time until heat death?

    AI colonising or at least having a desire to explore the universe merely comes down to whether it can comprehend beauty. As a more advanced being, one assumes it most likely can. There is no point to sentience without an appreciation of art and beauty.

    Interesting notion. The need for beauty. So the first question would be; when we talk about AI, do we mean an AI with intelligence and characteristics as similar to us. Or an AI as independent of binary processing as possible? Because if  it is the latter, there is no reason to assume their definition of aesthetics, or even necessity is the same as ours. So we find beauty in a sunset or the concept of undying love. What would an AI find beautiful? The knee-jerk answer would be synchronicity and repetition. Perfectly aligned fractals, repeating patterns with meticulous permutations etc. Math stuff. But I think that's a simplistic way of seeing it since that isn't true AI, that's just a higher level of binary, logistic processing. To be truly artificial intelligence I would assume that there needs to be room for an error margin, a flaw in the permutation so to speak, and when an AI can appreciate that randomness, then it's closer to have broken free of the logic-based shackles of computational problem solving.

    It also needs to be take into account that an AI is reliant on technology to have "senses". As such, it would be able to pick up on much more discreet changes than our human senses. So for example a shift in tone 2 hz up or down, might be enough to please the AI's sense of music taste. In other words, AI aesthetics would probably be as alien to us as the aesthetics of an alien culture.

  4. 6 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    Amebix - Monolith

    First time hearing this.  Very good.  Apparently it's crust punk but I find it far more metal in the vein of Venom and first Bathory with Motorhead and NWOBHM elements.


    The reformation album Sonic mass is more clearly metal, but from my recollection Monolith is also toeing the line.

  5. 6 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    That said, I do still feel there are limits to how far you can push or bend or transform or corrupt the black metal sound and have the result still qualify as black metal. But that's just my opinion for whatever it might be worth.

    I agree. And while this discussion have been up before it's worth having again.

    I think Ulver is a good example of is it x/is it y. Nattens madrigal and Bergtatt are undoubtedly BM as we know it. Kveldsanger, sandwiched in between them most certainly is not. But some might argue that the "vibe" or some thing, was so dark it's essentially BM. Which is wrong. But on the other hand, Kveldsanger for sure influenced a lot of the nature-worshipping hippie BM bands we see now. Anyways, when they started doing avantgarde trip hop jazz music with distorted guitars and screams on Themes from William Blake it got more tricky. Is it (very forward thinking) BM, is it not? IMO they had stretched the limits of what could constitute the BM sound too far, even though some of the instrumentation and most certainly the topic and lyrics, would be considered black metal/LHP.

  6. DsO again.

    Cave in - New reality

    Well this was boring a shit. Very american sound. Feels like late era Mastodon, Kylesa, Black Tusk and dozens of other bands.


    The Pessimist Chamber - Assassins of death


    Horror synth, but this release is quite different, taking inspiration from 80's ninja movies. More analog instruments and a slightly different vibe from previous material.


    YSBRYDNOS - The Forest Howls At Dusk

    Welsh black metal with some killer vocals from Agata Tutkaj

  7. 20 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat

    ...sounds like "third era" means "no Miiko". Great stuff so far.

    And I couldn't be happier about that. Fuck that guy. How many vocalists have you spotted? I got Arioch and M so far. Maybe that's just them two?

  8. 8 hours ago, zackflag said:

    Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat

    New DsO album for the people who care about such things. There's gotta be at least one person on this forum who does...

    This really feels like a whole new phase for DsO, just like they promised. The music is a lot less confusing, and more streamlined. Dare I even say catchy at times? The production is very crisp, with great bass guitar. And I do believe there's at least two vocalists, one is def. Arioch/Mortuus, and on the last track I think it's M from MGLA. No idea if Aspa is still around, since I can't remember what he sounds like. But Rostén is such a unique vocalist I could pick him out immediatly.

    Call me poser, but I think this is one of my favourite DsO albums based just on the immediacy of it. Time will tell if it will hold up as well as Si, or Fas.

  9. 13 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Star One - Revel In Time

    How did you like that one? Personally I think it's good, not as heavy and bleak as Vicitims of the modern age, but not as dumb and awful as Transitus.

    13 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Star One - Revel In Time

    How did you like that one? Personally I think it's good, not as heavy and bleak as Vicitims of the modern age, but not as dumb and awful as Transitus.

  10. 18 hours ago, navybsn said:

    Glad to hear you and yours are on the mend. I can sympathize somewhat as allergy season is in full swing here in the southern US. The older I get, the more I have problems this time of year. I've been hacking, stuffy, and itchy for the better part of a month now. I get the evil eye pretty much everywhere I go from folks thinking I have COVID.

    Yeah, the whole family suffers from allergy and asthma as well so no matter what we have 6 months of allergies to look forward to. I think what is particularly annoying is that Sweden decided to stop all testing, unless you are admited to a hospital, meaning no one knows how infection rates are going. This isn't the first time Sweden has decided to do what ever the fuck they like, even if it makes science a lot harder. In some places they measure the amount of virus in sewage water which is supposedly quite reliable, and there was a giant spike a couple of weeks ago (hmm....) here when thousands of people from all over the world came to compete in rally cross. But no one knows how many got infected because no one is testing. Great way to get good numbers!

  11. 18 hours ago, JonoBlade said:

    Although he only wrote part of it:



    I knew of the Stephen Donaldson-steal, but not the first dude. Imagine my shock when I read the Chronicles of Thomas Covenant and found a Metallica quote translated to Sweden. But after some sleuthing I realized the book came out before AJFA.

  12. Family came down with covid week and a half ago. First the wife, we're pretty sure she got it from her numbnut boss who went to work while sick, then 2 days later the daughter, and on tuesday I caught it. Luckily just in time to submit my reserach proposal before deadline. Spent the week mostly sleeping and coughing, but we're all on the mend now. It's a bit hard to breathe, and my smell and taste are below 50%, but I'd say it went pretty well for us. I'm really glad me and the wife had our 3 shots. And that our daughter took it so well, being asthmatic. We've mainly worried about her getting it the past 2 years.

    Now let's just hope there's no new mutations popping up!

  13. On 3/14/2022 at 6:07 PM, MacabreEternal said:

    According to MA he only is credited for songwriting on track 8 (To Live is to Die).  I am not sure without trawling interviews with the band how anyone would know?  It is most certainly possible but not sure how well documented it would be.

    I think that is because the poem spoken is written by him, as well as several of the riffs and melodies. To live is to die is sort of the bands final tribute to him.

  14. On 3/17/2022 at 9:08 PM, markm said:

    3.Funeral Mist/Deiformed


    1. Lingua Ignota/Sinner Get Ready

    That said, Sinner is uncompromising. It took me several listens and was a head scratcher the first time through.


    Excellent writeups as usual Mark, thank you! I haven't listened much to Sinners get ready, 2021 was a clusterfuck of not enough time, and way too much work so I've put a number of albums on the To Do-list and SGR is one of them. She recently put out a very long, very detailed, very horrific recount of the abuse she suffered from her ex-boyfriend Alexis Marshall (of Daughters) and I think this album is a direct result of that abuse.

    If you haven't, check out GGGOLDDD. They have a new album out soon and I think it will be a doozy. Similar to LI, it's not metal, but has the same emotional weight as the very best metal albums.


    As for Funeral Mist, it's another album on my To Do-list, from my casual spins I think it suffers a little bit from not being as experimental and "out there" as my favourite Marantha. Time will tell

  15. 13 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    You don't have to make chickens evil, they're born evil. Easy to be lulled into a false sense of security by their pretenses, but a fiercely intelligent malevolence lurks within them, visible sometimes out of the corner of your eye. One day they'll rise and reclaim the empire of their dinosaur ancestors, and all of this mammalian hegemony since the asteroid hit will be shown for the historical aberration it truly is. 

    ...assuming birds are real...

  16. 11 hours ago, navybsn said:

    It's like all of Ladysmith Black Mambazo went in on a gangbang baby and taught it Tibetan throat singing. And I mean that in the most complimentary way possible. Truly impressive vocal range.

    Wow, that was supercool!


    I'm listning to Blackbraid. Another indigenous one-man black metal band. Good stuff, modern production and good riffs/drum patterns. Feels well written

    Blackbraid - Barefoot ghost dance on blood soaked soil


    Blackbraid - The river of time flows through me


  17. 12 hours ago, navybsn said:

    I love that BR record so much. I have worn out multiple copies over the years. Maybe not their overall best effort (Generator or Suffer would get most votes there), but definitely my favorite. No one does insanely catchy melodic punk better in my opinion.

    With some very good and poetic lyrics too!

    Non Est Deus - Impious


    It sounds fine enough, but I'm not LOVING it...

  18. 17 minutes ago, navybsn said:

    I suspect however that if Russia starts using tactical nukes, NATO will be forced to intervene directly. That would escalate things far more than I think Putin wants. He knows his forces are inferior and would be soundly routed. Better to keep up with the current strategy which is working, if not all that well, than bring the big dogs to the table.

    Absolutely. Even if Putin is hellbent on this course, he want's as lttle resistance or intervention as possible. Throwing nukes will escalate things to point I don't think he actually desires. And why should he, there's a very low chance Ukranian army will actually win this war, so why risk calling NATO's hand if he doesn't have to? Using nukes is really a one-time card; once played the odds of mutually assured destruction is a lot higher then most people are comfortable with, unless you're one of them strange christians who hope for the Rapture.

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