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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. Lately I've been listening a lot to this album. Heavy/power metal from Turkey(!). Singer has a little of that Dickinson-twang (without being a copycat) which I really don't mind. Incredibly catchy without being too saccharine.

    Saints n' sinners - As Above, so below


  2. 20 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat (2022)


    Just got notification today that the album, together with Lifvsleda, have shipped from NoEvDi! So I'm listening to this to celebrate.

    Also, I have had this song stuck in my head since yesterday! See if you recognize the chorus.

    New Horizon - We unite


    20 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Deathspell Omega - The Long Defeat (2022)


    Just got notification today that the album, together with Lifvsleda, have shipped from NoEvDi! So I'm listening to this to celebrate.

    Also, I have had this song stuck in my head since yesterday! See if you recognize the chorus.

    New Horizon - We unite


  3. On 4/21/2022 at 2:04 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    You're reading too much into the word Johan. "Sissie" comes from "sister" which makes sense, feminine mannerisms equate with girls and girlish behavior.

    And I think you're taking me to literal. I wasn't thinking of the etymological roots of the word "sissie" in particular haha. Rather what the implication and connotations of the word were.

  4. 17 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Yes Doc but I was taught that the comma before 'and' is optional. So it is not considered incorrect so much as it's just not necessary. I generally leave it out myself. Stop being more pedantic than I.

    Also Doc, not to be a dick but while we're on the subject of grammar... the end punctuation (your final period/full stop there after 'Doorways.' for instance) is supposed to come inside of the quotation marks, not outside. A lot of people make that mistake though. I'd probably even say most people get that wrong.

    And I guess I'd like to take the opportunity at this time to address the spelling and grammatically challeged among our ranks. 




    Not looking to embarrass anyone by mentioning any names, but I implore you one and all: please learn the difference people and change your writing habits accordingly. It does my head in when I see people type 'there' when they actually meant to say 'their' or 'they're.' It's really not that complicated to keep the 3 of them straight. This has been a Goatmaster public service announcement. Rock on 🤘

    Why use 'Doorways' and not double quotation marks? That's how I've learnt it "Doorways".

    Putting the fullstop inside the quotation makes no sense, since I'm putting a stop to the whole sentence, not just the word I'm quoting?

  5. 18 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Johan my old friend, I'm not disputing the societal conditioning aspects that you speak of, for I believe that is mostly acurate. But even you must see that a lot of these stereotypical gender traits do come naturally even without any conditioning. They have a basis in reality, we're not just pulling this shit out of thin air. You seem to suggest that you think most of it is learned behavior but I disagree. I do believe some of it is learned or mimicked but a lot more of it does come natural to many and is then positively reinforced by society.

    I think where we disagree is the proportions of the nature/nurture. You say 70/30, and I lean more towards 30/70.

    As for the attraction and preference thing, the problem with studies like that is that it's really hard to study adults who have not been exposed to traditional Western masculine/feminine stereotypes, since those ideals permeates large parts of the globe (not just the global north).

    The way I see it is that some genetic predispositions and phenotypes are more dominant in one of the sexes or the other, like men typically being taller and having more dense musclefibers and women having higher percentage of bodyfat, but when it comes to hormonal distribution like testosterone and estrogen they are not as important as bro-science or Jordan Peterson would have us believe. They may have a significant effect on behaviour, if allowed so, but are by no means the single denominator.

    11 hours ago, Miss_Teala said:

    The thing that I have always wondered about is why men who have feminine mannerisms are sometimes considered "sissies".

    Because feminine mannerisms in men are equated to being homosexual and homosexuality is apparently the worst thing imaginable in a patriarchal world. Since it doesn't just threaten the concept of what consitutues manhood, but it also represents someone who goes outside of the norm, and therefor is perceived as threatening to people who like to keep things in square little boxes. At least that's my theory.

  6. On 4/19/2022 at 12:50 AM, Miss_Teala said:

    I have heard a few guys say that metal music is considered more of an "aggressive" genre, and thus usually appeals more to guys since guys are believed to have a more aggressive nature than girls.

    I have noticed a few signs of that on various occasions, like for example of two guys get into an argument then there is often this feeling that they could get into a physical fight at any moment (and sometimes do), whereas if girls get into an argument then it is a lot more verbal.
    I have also noticed that my female friends and I will often spend a lot of time on having intimate discussions about our romantic relationships or on how we feel and things like that, where guys seem to be more closed about that and focusing their attention more outward and being more rough with each other (in a playful way, but still).

    I think that's just playing into the tired old cliches of what constitutes a "Man" and a "Woman". Both genders are to a large part conditioned to behave a certain way or cultivate certain mindsets, conflict resolutions, and emotional responses, or else they are seen as a-typical of their gender. If it's not "adjusted" before kindergarten/school it's usually done by classmates through bullying and social expectations.

    Men can absolutely talk about feelings, and they 100% would be better off if they did. But the societal patriarchal norm is that if they do they're a pussy and should man up (the fact that female genitalia is seen as something negative and male as something positive, is a whole another discussion). But to talk, or hell even recognize and name your emotions, is something you learn to do, it's not innate. That's why women are supposedly "better" at it. They're taught that that is how you resolve conflicts, process and problem solve, and encourage group cohesion. Men are taught that the most accepted way of enabling group cohesion is to perform activities together, and problem solve by actions/force.

  7. 20 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    QUEEN - Tenement Funster (BBC Session Recordings 1974)


    This is the least-sounding Queen song I've heard. Not even Freddie sounds like himself. I agree that somewhere deep inside Queen rested a wicked NWOBHM band. Just listen to Stone cold crazy, Keep yourself alive, Great King Rat, and The Hitman. I've always wanted to hear an epic prog/doom cover of Innuendo. That one is definitely one of my top 5 Queen ongs.

    Queen - Innuendo

    Since I don't speak the queens english, what's a tenement funster? Sounds like a pun.

  8. I just got Issue 2 and 3 of Arcane Archivist, which is a new fanzine by an American guy who has a very popular Instagram page where he regularly digs up old or unpublished photos of old bands.

  9. On 4/4/2022 at 1:19 AM, KillaKukumba said:

    My wife has them all on DVD but I've never bothered to watch them and it seems way to late to start now if the later movies went down hill!


    You're in luck. You can watch the first Matrix (which is very good) as a stand-alone movie.

  10. On 4/2/2022 at 6:05 PM, Hungarino said:

    I think I missed BC Friday, was packing for a 6 month assignment to Hawaii. Only found out 3 weeks ago and was doing all kinds of shit and saved all my packing until the day before. Plus getting house and wife and shit squared away, and negotiating an apartment on island. Need to buy a car straight away too. Sitting in the airport now because flight is delayed. 

    Totally off topic, but usually I post my monthly haul of NYP gems and others about this time. 

    Shit man, so you have to leave your family and life for 6 months with 3 weeks notice? That's rough. I take it she's used to it?

  11. On 4/3/2022 at 1:38 AM, Valso said:

    I don't organize them in albums, if that's what you're asking. I keep one folder with the band name and in it there are the songs I like. Only those I like. Those that I don't like - I delete them. That's why my folder with Satyricon has only 11 songs. All enumerated bc I like listening to them in a specific order.

    The only band whose almost entire discography I like (minus 4-5 songs) is Thyrfing. Thus I have one folder named Thyrfing with 55 songs in it.

    Oh man, that system would give me so much anxiety. What if there's a song you initially don't like but then grow to enjoy?

  12. 12 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Sounds like I have a plan for lunch today, although I'm terrible at making omelettes, most of the time it just turns out to be scrambled eggs

    Well stop fucking stirring it and it won't become scrambled 😄

    9 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Scromlettes are where it's at man. There's almost no way to make a neatly folded textbook omelet without overlooking the eggs.

    The trick is to fold it over as soon as the middle has solidified just slightly. The residual heat from folding them over will finish up the cooking.

  13. 10 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Nothing remotely tricky about it as I see it Johan. It's most definitely not black metal. So sick of people insisting that if you add distorted guitars and/or shrieky/screechy vocals to something that's enough to make it black metal. It's not. Or that if a band makes an album or two in a certain genre then that somehow means everything they will ever do for the rest of their careers will also be part of that genre. Doesn't work that way. 

    Yes, but then you have the group that claims that if the essence and spirit of Satan is in the music is black metal. That's why so many latched on to The Devil's Blood and Ghost.

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