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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. 8 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    I think their fan numbers and their success are quite a credit to them given they self manage. I certainly wouldn't manage a band in this day and age, let alone my own band. Most people seem to rag them more for their attire and their single theme rather than anything else though.

    I dislike Sabaton for many reasons but their discipline and work-ethic is not one of them. The singer and bassist has worked really hard and focused to become as big as Metallica or Iron Maiden (that's the stated goal). Currently they own their own outdoors festival, nightliner bus and cruise ship festival, as well as a dedicated HQ with rehearsal space and recording studio. Per the bassist controls everything, the singer even has on contract that he can't shave his signature beard without consulting with the band management (i.e. Per). He's even said that he prefers making spreadsheets than playing bass, so the KISS comparisons are very apt I think.

  2. In Sweden we have this tradition dating back to 1960, that there's a radio and a TV calendar each year. One episode airing each day. Different stories for TV and radio. I don't know how popular it is now a days but back when I was young and there only was 2 TV channels available (both state owned) this was a pretty big deal! Back then you could only see cartoons (Tom & Jerry) for a short 5 min segment each week in a sports program aimed at kids. Kids these days, I tell ya!


  3. I think this is one of those "You had to have been there" bands. Objectively, Venom are aweful. I can see they're an important legacy band with tons of inspiration for coming bands, but they're just not enjoyable at all. Same as with Death, maybe I would enjoy them if they were one of the first bands I heard, but now I feel there's just so much better bands playing the same style.

  4. 14 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    I am disappointed I missed Author and Punisher play here in Tassie a couple of years ago.  Would have been an interesting experience.


    That song is boring though.


    Never had a cruller - looks delicious!

    Yeah, that song was not his best, but my god the video was gorgeous. I especially liked the allusion to William Blake's Red Dragon at 6:16

  5. 1 hour ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    I think it's a great idea. I'm as careful as possible when I remove beards - generally a slice beside each ear, then along the cheekbones, then with special care up across the maxilla and under the nose - but there's so much complicated muscle and tendon in the flesh of the face that even the cleanest removal requires a lot of tugging and scraping, and over time this can lead to a threadbare appearance which doesn't really engender swellings of pride in one's collection. Ashamed to think of the glorious beards I've had to discard as they slowly become shriveled, leathern husks, a process accelerated by the dry cold of a northeastern winter. Cannibal Corpse Butchered Body keeps a beard looking as fresh as the night I peeled it from a sobbing victim, and its clean, woodsy scent masks any putrefaction while putting off the cadaver dogs. Excellent product, five stars.

    It took me way to long to figure out what was going on here....

  6. Couldn't it be thought of that GG and Dead are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to what they deem acceptable "genericism" in their music? If you dislike things that are generic, or reminds you of old bands, you're gonna be a lot more critical of an album then if you don't have a problem with that and just want music to sound and make you feel good. Given that all other variables are constant, that's where one will dismiss 95% of the music as unoriginal and the other will embrace 60% of the music because it makes them smile.

    Personally I don't really have a problem with music that can be seen as generic as long as it sounds good. It might not blow my socks of and make me get a tattoo of their logo, but it might still end up on my AOTY if it's engaging enough. For example, Spectral Wound doesn't REALLY do anything new and crazy, it's a lot of 2nd wave Norwegians, a little of the Quebec sound, and some punk, but they are FUN! and got great riffs, drum parts, and great vocals. That's good enough for me.

  7. 14 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    My Neighbor's Fucking Leaf Blowers - Drone Trio (2 hour improvised live set)

    Fucking LOL!

    Zornheym - The Zornheim Sleep Experiment

    Speaking of ridiculously catchy, the songs of this fucking album keep popping up all the time, but it's different songs each time. I guess that says something about the level of songwriting.

  8. Cult of Luna - The Long Road North

    Out February 11.

    New track here.

    An interactive video and computer game(?) is scheduled to drop tonight here:

    My first impression is that this sounds a hell of a lot more engaging than A dwarf to fear, closer to the mood of The Raging River. Love the Hans Zimmer horns in the beginning and the groovy drums.

  9. 47 minutes ago, zackflag said:

    As far as sources go for new releases my bandcamp feed and reddit are probably my go-to's these days. No Clean Singing is only blog/website that I check with any regularity as they generally post some pretty cool stuff. I really do miss the new releases thread back on Metal-Fi as the crew there was pretty diligent with posting new stuff and there weren't too many albums that flew under the radar. I've definitely had to work a lot harder to find the good stuff since that forum shut down haha.

    Same, for some reason having the "new albums" thread here buried somewhere among 500 sub-directories makes it really hard to find it and fill it up with new albums. I usually check out No clean singing and Invisible oranges, sometims Angry metal guy, but try to stay away from the gossip/news. Other than that I follow a bunch of vinyl nerds on Instagram that keeps me up to date on the underground.

  10. 9 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    Sheol, so jealous.


    Here it's 25 degrees and I already can't stand it.  Meant to get up to as high as 27 by mid week- yuck.


    If I had my way I'd spend April-October in Tasmania and November-March in Europe.

    +25C is right around what's uncomfortable to me, I'm much happier closer to 20. Today it's -10C and it's kinda rough since our bodies haven't acclimatized yet (been fairly mild up until now, around 0C). Come january -10 will feel quite pleasant.

  11. On 11/26/2021 at 6:39 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    As far as divorce is concerned I wouldn't advise going into it lightly. 50% of western marriages end in divorce. More often than not, about 75% of divorces are initiated by women because the laws and courts are drastically weighted in their favor. Women generally get custody of the kids, the house, at least half of the savings/assets and the men will have to pay them at the very least until the kids finish college and in some cases in addition to child support they are awarded spousal support for life.

    Isn't that an uniquely American concept? I don't think I've ever heard of spousal support here in Sweden, outside of american movies. Sure, child custody is a different thing, but I think that has more to do with the individual judge.

  12. I can't remember if I've ever answered in this thread, but no matter. I live in the northern part of Sweden, not that it says much since 50% of Sweden count's as "The North", but I grew up even further up north, semi-close to the Finnish border. I live in the largest town in the province. The goal is to find someplace a little outside of town to get some of that trve kvlt forrest thing going, but it's tricky to compromise the distance to work/school, with the rising prices for houses and summerhomes since Covid. We'll see.


    But the nature here is wonderful, both summer and winter.




    Skärmbild 2021-11-28 121607.jpg

  13. 7 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    Goatmaster, wow that makes mine look thrifty.


    I think the mortifying thought in my head is that I will have spent decades in a (well paid) job I don't like and not doing things I like to end up destitute and homeless (and rentals are extremely scarce - Hobart is now the least affordable place for rentals and people with full time jobs are living out of their cars due to lack of properties).

    I have sacrificed so much for my family and will continue to do so.  I don't get to have dreams or whimsies.

    But I was OK with that as I thought I'd at least own my house by the time I retired and would then have some money to do things I wanted. 

    Well, question is, are you both on the house contract? Or just one of you? I don't know how the law works in Tasmania/Aus, but maybe it's a good idea to look into a consulting with a lawyer on your own, to make sure your bases are covered. Because there's always the possibility your partner will try to fleece you of everything they can, just out of spite. And as Goatboy just said, no partner is ever worth killing yourself over. And I can 100% guarantee that will leave a hole in your daughters heart that will never be healed or filled. Just like you have past trauma that will never be fixed, don't put your family and friends in the same situation.

    For as long as I've known you you have complained about your marriage, and been more or less unhappy with your life. You're not even 50, there's a good chance you'll live another 30-35 years. Do you really wanna spend those years, mearly existing? For fucks sake, it took Goatboy into his 40's before he realized black metal existed!

    13 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    After yet another argument, my wife has decided she will simply have to withdraw additional money as she said she literally doesn't know how where she can save

    I honestly don't know what this means. Do you mean she's emptied out a savings account preemptively??

  14. 4 hours ago, markm said:

    Yeah, Neurosis, Isis and CUL. Neurosis just sound like Neurosis, but still get credited with having spearheaded what we now call post metal. It is an eye of the beholder kind of thing. I know it when I hear it-long, meandering songs with shifting atmospheres, slow builds and soft/loud dynamics.

    When I first started dabbling around 2004, it was often called atmospheric sludge or atmospheric hardcore. IMO, it was Isis with Oceanic and developed to it's zenith with their album Panopticon followed by CUL's salvation that created what people refer to as post metal and then inspired so called post black with the likes of WITTR, Altar of Plagues and Agalloch to some extent and of course Deafheaven. 

    The focus got overplayed with euphoric pretty sounds but it gets incorporated into textures that some bands use to good effect (Boris, later YOB).  But sometimes gets lost in navel gazing....there are a handful of post metal albums I love and a lot that make me see cross eyed and want to take a hammer and bash my head in if I listen too long. Red Sparowes and Alcest come to mind even though I can tolerate the pretty gazey stuff as a diversion for short periods of time. 



    Two things: Why do you abbreviate Cult of Luna as CUL? Wouldn't logic dictate that you take the first letter of each word? So, CoL?

    Second, to me I've always thought that referring to these kinds of bands as Posthardcore made a lot of sense. Not only because many of them came from the hardcorescene, but also because that was very reflective in the music. The vocals are the kind of bellowed roars very common in European and US HC, the riffs aren't the typical death metal power chords or one-string melodic lines of black metal, but usually somehthing more angular, or more airey and layered. And the drums play a lot with dynamics. So to me posthardcore bands just take the components of HC and move past them. I think it's hard to say that ISIS and Cult of Luna don't have more in common with hardcore than metal.

  15. I discovered Aleah on MySpace and Helgon (a swedish online community before Fb existed) and fell in love with her acoustic songs (and her looks ngl). Then she sort of fell of my radar as nothing really seemed to happen musically other then her guesting on Swallow the Sun's albums. That is until I saw the news that she had passed away. Incredibly sad.

    Juha recorded another album ("No stars on the bridge") together with Tomi (Amorphis) and Gas (H.I.M.) under the name Hallatar, using lyrics, poems and song fragments from Aleah. The result is heavier than ToE, closer to doom/death, and as you can imagine incredibly raw and painful to hear. Juha's grief comes through both in music and the empassioned vocals of Tomi (a vocalist I normally don't like). It also features another duet with Heike Langhans.

    Hallatar - My mistake


  16. I found 5 albums I'd rank high on my AOTY.



    36. Mare Cognitum, Solar Paroxysm, I, Voidhanger

    34. Spectral Wound, A Diabolic Thirst, Profound Lore

    30. Archspire, Bleed the Future, Season of Mist

    23. Stormkeep, Tales of Othertime, Van

    8. Lamp of Murmuur, Submission and Slavery, Self-released



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