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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. 9 hours ago, Fraser said:

    Id say my most infuriating and classed as a genuine phobia which i fully believe in is Misophonia 100%. Mainly people eating but generally anything! Tapping, whistling, humming etc. I can get so genuinely angry I will leave the room.

    Hah, I wrote my thesis on the neighbouring phenomena of hyperacusis. There was a huge overlap between the two conditions, some even argued that it's symptoms of the same underlying cause.

  2. On 4/24/2018 at 8:32 PM, MacabreEternal said:

    True or not Inquisition occupy a large slot in my BM collection and I don’t attest to the view that their music is now somehow terrible and should not be listened to or bought.  The world is full of assholes and some of them stink more than others.

    I'll resurrect the original topic of this thread here and just say that to me it's not a question if Inquisition's music suddenly got worse due to the allegations (well I think he copped a plea bargain so he's 100% not innocent), but that I don't want to support him by giving him money or attention through record sales, streams or such. It's purely "vote with your wallet" kind of thing. The guy doesn't deserve anything but a kick in the head.

  3. On 1/29/2022 at 1:06 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    No, snuff is a tobacco product. Regular snuff comes in a little tin and you put in your mouth between your cheek and gums and then either spit or swallow the tobacco juice, it's fucking nasty. Nasal snuff you sniff it up your nose like cocaine, which sounds pretty fucking nasty too. 

    Ahh, yeah in Sweden we call it Snus. It's the most used tobacco product here, wiki says 1/10. So, like everyone uses it (not me). The gum version, never seen the nasal version. Supposedly it's really hard to kick too because a) it goes directly into your bloodstream via the gums, and b) unlike ciggs you don't have to go outside to do it but you can pop one in at anytime. Some even sleep with their snus.

  4. On 1/28/2022 at 8:37 AM, Parker said:

    Does anyone else use nasal snuff? I've gotten into it recently and it's really fun. It's impossible to find in New England so I have to order it from England. I've heard that It's much more popular in Europe than it is here.


    Is this a euphemism for cocaine?

  5. I remember that American black metal was pretty much considered a joke here in Sweden for a long, long time. Only band that was kind of respected was Absu and maybe Von (though they were quite obscure). Of course things have gotten a lot better this side of the 20th. The one-man bands from the US like Xastur, Leviathan, Krieg were quite different from the Scandinavian scenes, more punk-influence and mental illness. Then it felt like there started to crop a new wave of band that found their footing in atmo-black, and later the whole Cascadian tree-hippie wave. And now we're back to the one-man band thing but this time raw BM.

  6. 1 hour ago, Daiena said:

    Please help me with this, im so confused and i cant find any answer when i google for 2 days.

    I give songs example what makes makes me really think that black metal is not for me:





    Most black metal songs is like this. Like cookie monster death metal sound and singing that i dont like.


    But... now totally different sound and i absolutely love these:





    So i think this must be 2 different genre because they are so different but what type?

    I don't think Immortal or Emperor fall into the death metal vocals-category at all. When I think cookie monster I think of bands like Suffocation and Morbid Angel.

    Suffocation - Abomination reborn

    All those bands you losted are black metal, they just employ different types of vocals. Immortal, Emperor, Mayhem all use a kinda harsh, croaking style. Like a frog with mental problems.

    The other bands that you liked like Spectral Wound and Behexen use a more screeching type of sound. Like a cat with mental problems. It's all black metal, just different styles of singing and different styles of music.

    Like, this is black metal, but of the more symphonic type.

    Limbonic Art  - Through gleams of death


    This is also black metal, but more punk-influenced

    Impaled Nazarene - We are satans generation


    This is also black metal, but very raw and cavernous

    Revenant Marquis - Youth in ribbons


    And finally, this is melodic black metal. As you can hear an emphasis on melodies and guitar harmonies.

    Naglfar - Through the midnight spheres

    You can hear how all these songs are different, but they still fall under the black metal umbrella. That's why @GoatmasterGeneral talked about "the finnish sound" etc, because that means that bands from Finland usually have a specific style of doing things. But it's all about what you enjoy.

  7. My personal opinion is that early Darkthrone were both foundational and great, but the Norwegian band I really connected with the most was Emperor. The grand, symphonic flair and Ihsahn's weird vocals always worked great for me. We all have differnt tastes, and there's nothing saying you have to love what others praise. Most people, even here on the boards, think Death, Dissection and AC/DC are great bands, I think they are all uninteresting to me. And that's fine.

    Though if I were to find myself in Australia I would never slag off AC/DC, that'd be suicide lol

  8. 10 hours ago, H34VYM3T4LD4V3 said:

    Headless Cross is my fave Martin Sabbath album too, maybe even my fave overall to be honest, "When Death Calls" may well be my fave Sabbath song, gives me chills every time

    Headless Cross is such a good record, and Tony Martin really shines. He's actually featured in the new Star One album by Arjen Lucassen too, so maybe he's having a bit of a comeback.

    I also really like this cover by Erik Grönwall (ex-HEAT), I think he's got a similar tone to Martin.

    Erik Grönwall - The Headless cross


  9. Vengeful Spectre - S/t


    This was a favorite of mine in 2020. Decided to revist it and it's still great. One of those black metal albums that manages to incorporate indigenous (in this case Chinese) instruments really well without breaking the flow of the song. Great drive and fire in the music.

  10. 31 minutes ago, Daiena said:

    But this band is black metal? I listen it now but sounds little different or this is early band?

    No, My Dying Bride is one of the foundational doom metal band. Doom is characterized by slow, heavy riffs, a bleak and melancholic atmosphere and either clean or growled vocals. The tempo usually range from slow to ultra-slow (then it's usually called Funeral doom). If you're interested you can hop over to the doom metal thread here and explore that.

  11. 17 hours ago, Daiena said:

    Yes an also my dad said when older you change smell sense also and for example can start dislike perfume.

    Me i love perfume, i always use opium and black opium perfume and i like them smell more heavy than summer light. I think with food i will never change, i hate most of food like seafood, pig meat, soups, vegetables, cheese and much more i no eat. I see one video from metallica nothing else matters, i dont like them much buuuut there is one member who play on bass in that video he have same hair as me shave on sides and long up only difference he is a man an im a girl and i have black hair but i laugh so much see this and i think from year 1990 or something so its old too 😂

    God damnit, hahaha.

    The bass player you mention is Jason Newstedt and is argubly the coolest member of Metallica. Obviously, he got fired. "Nothing else matters" is really a poor representation of Metallica, though it's one of their most-played songs. But you can never go wrong with 80's Metallica.

    Metallica - Creeping death


    Adn yes, it's funny how tastes change. When I first heard My Dying Bride's "Turn loose the Swans" I didn't like it at all except for one song (Sear me MCMXCIII). I though it was slow and boring and weird vocals. Then one night I was feeling quite miserble and was listening while reading the lyrics and really paying attention and suddenly it all clicked. It was an almost overwhelming surge of emotion. Catharsis. I think it was a combination of my emotional state and me growin older and being more patient and receptive to slow music

  12. I get that this whole genre is new to you and can be kind of confusing, but really the only thing to remember is that you are free to like whatever you like, no one can tell you otherwise. Black metal is a genre that attracts a lot of passionate people, some who have more than a few grudges towards bands and artists. The guys blog you linked is just one dude, he's just as unreliable as everyone else. And that second blog? That seems like just another weirdo that want to be different and contrary.

    Thing is, Darkthrone is 100% one of the most influential black metal bands on the planet. They together with Bathory, Mayhem, Burzum and Emperor shaped BM to what it is today. That doesn't mean people have to like them, but like that guy to claim that Darkthrone as absolutely no musical or artistic merit is just wrong.

    You do you.

    So from what I've gathered you prefer high-pitched shrieks, and maybe not too melodic, well-produced black metal?

    Maybe this could be something for you?

    Lampof Murmuur - Wnadering through nightmares


    Vargrav - Netherstorm


    Svartidaudi - Revelations of the Red Sword


  13. I'd just like to mention that depending on your sensitivities, some of these bands are more or less sketchy when it comes to Nazi/fascist affiliations. You might not care about that, and that's fine, but as a newcomer to metal just be warned. Prime offenders would be Satanic Warmaster, Clandestine Blaze, Goatmoon, Spear of Longinus, Absurd, Grand Belial's Key, Graveland.

  14. 9 hours ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    Maybe I'd liked the red wine more if I'd chilled it.


    Somewhere am entire generation of French sommeliers are centrifuging in their graves. No, you're not supposed to chill red wine. It usually taste like ass and kills all the flavor nuances. If you don't like the acidity of red wine perhaps a sweet dessert wine might be an option. Or just drink Port LOL!

  15. My vinyl copy of Kätkyt arrived today. I chipped in on a gofundme-type deal that the artist arranged through BC, with Bandcamp doing the actual pressing and manufacturing. Didn't even know they provided those services. Pledged in April, the production started in june and now it's here. Beautiful 2LP vinyl; one black with white splatter and the other white with black splatter. Great music, one-woman Finnish black metal, kind of like a more somber early-Myrkur

    Vermilia - Kätkyt


  16. On 12/15/2021 at 10:48 PM, Dead1 said:

    Local scene was moribund before COVID due to lack of new bands.  And that's not just metal but hard rock and punk.  In fact only active rock bands are 1950s-60s cover bands whose members are generally over 50.

    My niece's generation (born 2004) just doesn't do distorted guitar music and my own generation is busy with kids and family.  

    Yeah, but I'm guessing you're talking about the loval Tasmanian scene? I can imagine that the mentality and audience support for metal is a bit different on an island that neighbours another much larger landmass. I'm guessing many 20 somethings move to study abroad, and those who stay might not be metalheads to begin with. Just guessing here.

    There are tons of new bands releasing things everyday in every genre of metal and many of them are indeed young. Maybe not teenagers, but def in their 20's. I mean, Tribulation was in 18 when they started, Worm (US) early 20's, Blood Incantion guys were all early 20's when they started 2011, and now they're one of the largest, most respected death metal bands in the underground. There's growth, you just need to look

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