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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. Vinterkrig - Härskare över stjärnorna och mina drömmar

    This is the debut album by Swedish Vinterkrig that was recorded in 1997 in Abyss studios, but never released. Up until now it's only been available on a youtube video with horrible sound quality and fifth generation tapes. This year Graveless Souls released a remastered version on cassette and digital. Awesome melodic black metal just like they did it in the 90's, featuring members of Opeth and Lucifer.



  2. 10 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Having given up the rat race 20 odd years ago my wife and I moved to the boonies of Victoria in Australia, not really to get away from people but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the reason. Now we are hours from the city, close enough to get there if we need it but far enough that it doesn't come to us. We don't need high paying jobs to pay off overpriced McMansions, while at the same time we can still have a property big enough that I can turn the 25m B double truck and trailers in the driveway and still barely get wet between the door of the truck and the door of the house when it rains. As much as we've been in lockdown 7 times over the last 18 months covid really hasn't effected us, there has been about 4 local cases in the entire time. These days I can happily spend my days chasing cows around the paddocks, home schooling kids and generally not being worried about the wider world and what's going on out there.

    So out of curiosity, how do you survive? Do you have to commute to work, or are you a farmer?

  3. Tbh, I don't think there actually is an appropriate response, nor way to express sympathy. It's all weird, awkward and self-conscious. I think in general it's better to say something, even if it's a cliché than not say anything at all because then it feels like the other person doesn't even think of you and your loss.

  4. I know a friend of mine who never really had a steady job, mostly worked as a roadie or low-entry jobs like caretaker etc. Well his flat went from rented from a landlord, to the option to purchase for cheap. He did and after a few years it was worth around €100 000. So he decided on a whim to sell his flat, sell 90% of his vinyl collection that he's collected since late 80's and travel SE Asia! Does that for a few months, until his travel mate learns his g/f is pregnant and has to go back to Sweden. Money well spent...🙄 He'll never have that kind of savings ever again. The classic short life-strategy.

    Moral of the story: Change things up, by all means. But know what you're doing afterwards. Have a plan, even if that just means saving a couple of thousand so you're not homeless if things go south.

  5. I live in northern Sweden, which isn't saying much since geographically it makes up more than 50% of the countrys surface (search for Norrland and have a look), in one of the bigger coastal towns. We live in a 3-room apartment close to the city center, we lucked out and managed to buy it about 10 years ago before the market exploded and it's value more than doubled. Problem is that it's very obvious that 80 square meters is way too little for 3 people, especially when two of them work from home... We'd really like a house outside of town close to nature, but unless you wanna drive 30 min one way to school, houses are expensive! So we're saving and waiting. The market should tank some time I guess.

  6. On 9/4/2021 at 5:47 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    It's only an illustration of a Frazetta-like warrior and kneeling woman with uncovered breasts. Not exactly hardcore porn. Looking at it now I'm quite sure they stole the warrior from an old Exciter cover and put a new girl squatting in front of him.

    Ah that's the way it was done back in the day. Copyright? Only if anyone notices!I bought the reissue of "Slow deep and hard" and Josh mentioned that they stole the coverart from a pornmag and just didn't tell anyone.


    But yeah, Gates of Ishtar were great, a shame they never continued.

  7. On 8/28/2021 at 6:44 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Wormwitch - Wolf Hex, crusty black metal from the great white north


    I was just about to post this one. It's more punk then the previous album, which was closer to melodic death metal. Sounds good, but no buy for me.

    On 8/28/2021 at 2:41 AM, MarkhantonioYeatts said:

    BETTY DAVIS - Betty Davis


    As soon as I heard her voice I knew this was a cool-ass chick. This deserves more attention from me.

  8. On 8/24/2021 at 11:15 PM, MarkhantonioYeatts said:

    GOLDEN BLOOD - Serpent Chariot


    This album is so much fun. The guy behind it, Erech Leleth is productive as hell. He's also behind Narzissus, Ancient Mastery, Grandeur, and Carathis, bands who have all released stuff this year or last year.

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