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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. On 5/20/2021 at 12:41 AM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

     i eat a crazy amount of sweets which could well give me diabetes so ive stuff to sort too. i buy them by 10kg at a time and eat them too fast.

    😮😮😲 10 kg???

  2. 15 hours ago, Zakarumite said:

     i want to understand where is that difference between a good underground band that is good enough and nightwish, after forever, epica, within temptation, because they were underground one day, i want to know what happened in between.

    I think its equal parts hard work and tons of luck. Working your ass off, touring, grinding the road, getting the word out about your band (or in this day and age, creating a internet hype may work), but also dumb luck. The right person spotting you at the right time, and you fitting into the labels roster. Your music and style to be popular at the right time etc.

    Also, the industry has changed since the 80-90's. Labels don't have as much power or money any more, meaning that you will not be "employed" by them in the same way, given a million dollar studio budget etc. The flip side is that you don't need a label to create or release music. You can do it all yourself. But of course, that means the market is flooded with albums, of all genres.


  3. 5 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Do you like that stuff? I got into a bunch of Nordic folk music as a teenager. Hedningarna was always my favorite. I first heard them through that "Fire" compilation of their earlier stuff, but Hippjokk and Karelia Visa are the ones that wound up being constant companions. I enjoy Garmarna too, although their songs kind of blend together into a "folk music for goth kids" vibe after a while. I think the only one I have anymore is Guds Spelemann. I liked Vengeance a lot but my CD got ruined years ago. The other group I got into from that scene was called Groupa, who I actually got to see live here in the USA, and I still play their albums Lavalek and Imeland sometimes. I'd love to hear any other recommendations you might have for that kind of music.

    Never heard Groupa, sounds like a Polish anarchopunk collective :)

    A true Swedish classic is Jan Johanson's "Jazz på svenska". As you might have guessed it's jazz renditions of folk music. Incredibly soothing. Trivia, Jan's sons Anders and Jens has played in Stratovarius, HammerFall, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Manowar.

    Jan Johanson - Visa från Utanmyra


    If you like the more mashed up types of Scandinavian folk Hoven Droven  has a solid rock bottom with folk melodies on top:

    Hoven Droven - Köttpolska



    More "contemporary" sound from Big Fish.

    Big Fish - De krossade skallarnas tid



    I'm not too well-versed in the really traditional folk music, even if I enjoy it. But I know that Folk och Rackare is considered one of the "classics" from the 70's


    There's a girl on YouTube called Elina that has done some lovely recordings of traditional folk music.

    Elina - Playlist



  4. 2 hours ago, Natassja said:

    Yeh I'm definitely better not drinking alcohol. Was making my anxiety loads worse. Why does it do that you think? My vice has always been chocolate 😂 not livers surprisingly..! 

    Weeell, alcohol is basically a toxin that we as a society has decided is OK to ingest regularly. I mean, there's a reason you get hungover the day after. The liver is struggling to keep up, trying to purify the toxins. From what I've read it seems that alcohol gives you a dopamine rush and makes you feel relaxed. When the effect vanishes (i.e. sober up) you experience withdrawl basically. I'm guessing that if you have a predisposition to anxiety or depression prior, alcohol might make it even worse.

    MRI scans of 25 000 people found that there's not really a "safe" amount of drinking. Even the "1 glass a day" recommendation decreased brain grey matter.


  5. On 5/17/2021 at 9:15 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Ulvehyrde - Englemakersken, Norwegian black metal, loving the shit out of this one


    This was intriguing. I felt that the constant mid-tempo made it drag at times, but the overall feel was cool. Needs more time to percolate.


    Hooded Menace - Blood Ornaments, from upcoming album "The Tritonus bell"

    Definitely some Danish heavy metal vibes on this one, but still doom. Don't know if I've ever head HM this "rocking".

  6. On 5/17/2021 at 8:07 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Hahaha yes!! Johnny 5 is the nickname I have assigned to you in my head. Please understand that my buddy Johan from Sweden is already Johan to me and no matter what he chages his username to be it Sheol or Shamrock or Shitforbrains after 5 years he will always be Johan to me.

    Hah, well I initially changed it because I figured I'd be more anonymous on a new board with a different username. I of course didn't take into account your big Yankee mouth 😄 Ah well, no matter.


    Also, I used to think that Johnny 5  robot was the coolest ever as a kid. Rented the VHS 2-3 times.

  7. 12 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Ancient Wisdom - A Celebration in Honor of Death

    I believe it was Johan#1 who mentioned this one man Swede band either late last night or this morning. Last album was indeed 2004 but I'm not familiar with any of his older stuff. This is not bad but the pace is very slow. Not funeral doom slow but pretty damn slow for black metal. There are some keys here and some choral vox which I'm not minding but the whole thing lacks aggression. Would be nice to see a little more killer instinct, a little more oomph. I'm enjoying the test drive well enough but halfway through I don't think I'm gonna be driving this one off the lot.

    Well, I don't really consider AW as black metal, more like atmospheric doom with a blackened heart. AW's music has always been melancholic, seasonal music. Usually listen to him in the autumn and winter.


    8 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Hedningarna - Hippjokk

    Hedningarna - Karelia Visa

    Hah, surprised to see a rather obscure Swedish folk music group here. When metal heads reference folk it's usually Garmarna.

  8. 13 hours ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    i eat white rice due to lower fibre content. it works for me. so thats enough. 


    Haha and I try to eat brown or black rice to increase fibre content :D Funny how that goes.

  9. 17 hours ago, navybsn said:

    The riffage is good although not quite to the level of Loomis or Wilton. The vocals are ok. I like the effort, but they're not in the same league without the godlike vocals of Dane or Tate.

    Maybe that's why I liked it; I thought Dane was very good and emotional, but kind of whiny. So this guy felt a little less annoying, but with the same kind vibe.

    17 hours ago, navybsn said:

    The riffage is good although not quite to the level of Loomis or Wilton. The vocals are ok. I like the effort, but they're not in the same league without the godlike vocals of Dane or Tate.

    Maybe that's why I liked it; I thought Dane was very good and emotional, but kind of whiny. So this guy felt a little less annoying, but with the same kind vibe.

  10. On 7/31/2020 at 4:37 PM, lia_kat15 said:

    Why hasn't this thread been started?? ? Lol. For those of you not familiar with Peter (shame on you, lol j/k), he was the singer/song-writer/bassist for the band Type O Negative. To me he was a poet, lyrical genius, and amazing musician. He also had a great sense of humor. Absolute legend. Some videos:

    Stay Negative x

    Haha I love those old interviews with Pete were his dry, sarcasm made the interviewer very confused or unsure if he were joking or not (he was almost always joking). While I enjoy the more "goth romantic" turn TON took on October Rust I think my favorite albums are the raw, emotionally visceral first two albums. Like, damn, who hurt you? Also, I think Carnivore was a lot of fun!

  11. 15 hours ago, BMB said:

    Ancient Mastery - The Chosen One

    Hell yeah! Ancient Mastery is awesome, have you heard his first ep "Across the mountains of Drämmarskol"?


    I found this neat heavy metal band, and I don't really like heavy metal. It sounds like a cross between Nevermore and Queensrÿche. Great vocalist. Just wish the song was a bit shorter.

    Silver Talon - As the world burns


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