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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. Never heard the song/band but sometimes there's a pre-production version of a song that ends up on singles/compilations, and are then remixed/remastered for an album. Sometimes even re-recorded. I know the Europe song "Seven doors hotel" has a couple of versions.

    Album version


    B-side of "Rock the night"


    Another famous example is of course Hit The Lights by Metallica. There's the initial version recorded for the Metal Massacre compilation, the No life til Leather demo and finally the Kill 'em All studio album version.

  2. 18 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

     So I'm getting a pair of Sony WH 1000XM3 Bluetooth headphones. I've had crappy experiences with Bluetooth audio and I'm really hoping these change my mind.

    I have the 1000XM1 and they have served me very well. no problems with dropped connection or bad sound quality. I can only imagine the newer models are even better. The noise cancelling is excellent too. I like BT, it's very practical when out and about or at the gym. Having long hair a cable tends to get tangled when outside, which is really annoying. I currently have the Philips Fidelio X2 for home use and Bose QuietComfort Earbuds for outside, which are excellent.

  3. 3 hours ago, Natassja said:

    I've only just heard about the film ' A Field in England', don't know how that one managed to pass me by. Looks really interesting. The tent scene looks so bizarre. Can't wait to see it in full.

    Watched the trailer and that felt really really strange.

  4. 46 minutes ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    Nice. I hadn't heard The Moaning before, they're right in line with all the other stuff I like from this scene. I was a big fan of Swedish melodic DM when I was growing up. I love how it seems like there's always another cool band left to discover.

    They were a precursor to one of the best unknown Swedish melo death bands IMO; Satariel.

    Phobos & Deimos might actually be one of my favourite melo death albums, period. The followup, Hydra was more melodic and more clean singing, but still solid.

    Satariel - Coffin Gateways


    Satariel - Claw the clouds


  5. I've always wondered how Gary Moore got that amazing sustain on Parisianne Walkways and not have it roll over to uncontrollable feedback. Part of it is obviously the neck-through design of the Les Paul, and part is distorsion, but there's got to be something more than that.

    One of my favourite uses of feedback is the intro to Abhinandas "The Rumble". I'm guessing it involves a delay or flanger pedal? Also, rocking song!


  6. On 4/27/2021 at 12:13 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Just bought tickets last week at a good friend's request to see two bands in November in Brooklyn that I reeeeally don't want to see. Now all I can secretly hope for is that they cancel the show for pandemic reasons before then. I'll go if they have the show, but I'd hate for my first live show after all this time to be that rubbish.

    Oh c'mon, don't be shy. Spill the beans. Is it Lamb of God 😄

  7. Winter Tales- Fantasies in Flesh.

    Here's an interesting one. This is the unreleased album of Winter Tales, the solo project of Petter Tande Sem. The album was supposed to be released on Velvet records, but they folded and this album never saw the light of day. It's circulated on file sharing sites for decades. This is symphonic black metal in the vein of Limbonic Art and old Covenant. Very cool, and it must've been a hell of a lot of work for Petter to do everything himself, given that the music is quite intricate and layered.


    Mortum - Antlantean Ouroboros

    USBM, sometimes it's plodding, anti-riffs galor, other times they hit sweetspots with both riffs and drumming to fistpumping highs. "Tidal waves dwarf skyscrapers" is the standout track IMO.

  8. On 2/28/2021 at 6:21 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    The film I've wanted to see for long time is the 1986 version of the fly. Looks like an interesting idea.anyone else seen this. 

    Cronenburg's The Fly is awesome. The guy is the king of body horror and The Fly has some really great practical effects (think The Thing). Plus, it's very entertaining.


    I recently rewatched exZistenz and while mainly a mainstream thriller, there was some nice uncomfortable effects, especially the organic game pods. But my favourite Cronenburg film is definitely Videodrome.

  9. On 5/3/2021 at 12:10 PM, H34VYM3T4LD4V3 said:

    Either of those answers work to be honest :P


    I suppose being covered in Centipedes? being bigger there would be less of them and I don't think they'd be as irritating


    Terminator or Rambo?

    Terminator, not a care in the world, no PTSD, maybe a conflicting order now and then.


    Allergic to sunshine or allergic to water?

  10. 16 hours ago, navybsn said:

    Talking about Phil Swanson in another thread has put me on a binge. My favorite vocalist in metal atm.

    Funny how it goes, you hear nothing special in Becker from AK and I hear nothing special in Swanson 😄 He's got a very laidback 70's doom sound to his voice, that's generally not something I gravitate towards.


    Got these cassettes (yes, cassettes! Suck on it haters 😀) in the mail today so...


    Somme - Prussian blood


    Spider God / Μνήμα - Split


  11. Nope, no idea who they are :) I got to know Whitenoise and the rest of the unruly bunch on Metal-Fi, but that's as far back as we go. I was part of a couple of other forums in the early 00's (White trash devil, Global Domination) but then forums as a concept sort of died when everyone moved to FB.

  12. 25 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    I gave that AK a shot man because you posted it. But I didn't make it too far, those clean vocals were just too much for me to overcome. I was expecting black metal from you tbh, I never knew you were into stuff like this, epic power metal or whatever you wanna call it.

    I don't have a problem with all intros, only if they're longer than about a minute or so or if they're non-musical and just static or wind or flames crackling or something stupid like that. Agree that intros longer than 30 seconds should always be left as a separate track so I can easily skip them if needed.

    Haha well I'm usually not into the Epic, with very few exceptions. Some mid-era Grand Magus, perhaps some scattered songs here and there, but AK just works for me. I think it's a combination of the great choruses, non-whiney singing and great instrumental hooks.

  13. On 3/1/2021 at 12:07 AM, H34VYM3T4LD4V3 said:

    Roman Senator :P

    Ripper era Judas Priest (Jugulator and Demolition albums) or Blaze era Iron Maiden (The X Factor and Virtual XI albums)?


    Blaze era Maiden. At least the music is good sometimes.

    Or do you mean being IN the band as the respective singer, then I'd choose Judas Priest. Far less people wanted Ripper to fail then Blaze. I feel Blaze got 100 times the heat from fans.

    Being covered in centipedes or covered in ants?

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