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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. 1 hour ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Got invited to my nieces school awards last night, she was up for a few awards which we were all proud of but the highlight of the night for me was the musical interludes. I'll give the first kid credit, I'm not an Ed Sheeran fan but the kid singing gave it her all and it sounded okay. The second song was some other pop song I didn't know. But the third song just before the end of the night was brilliant.

    The lights went down and in the shadows we could see a 15-16 year old kid with long hair stepping up to the mic, 3 other musos with their instruments behind him. Into the mic the young guy mildly says, "This one's for Chuck, gone too soon". I read earlier in the day that the previous day was the anniversary of Chuck Schuldiner's death, but I really didn't think much of the kid's comments. The the lights came up covering the stage in a blood red colour, the kid put up the horns and the band broke into Pull The Plug.

    The kids did a darn good job but the look on some of the parents and carers faces in the audience not expecting some loud death metal song from school concert was absolutely fucking priceless. Kudos to the teachers for letting the kids express themselves with the music they wanted, but I'll still never forget the look on some peoples faces.

    Haha that's absolutely brilliant, good on them, and their teachers for having an open mind.

  2. 10 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom

    Never heard this before.  Interesting this gets called black metal by some but it sounds far more death metal/grind.  Would sit better next to really early Carcass and Bolt Thrower than Mayhem.


    This will probably get me kicked out of the goat pen, but I've come to teh conclusion that I don't really like Blasphemy. It's a form of BM that is chaotic in the bad way, not really stand-out riffs, vocals or atmosphere. If it's gonna be chaotic and dissonant i much prefer my BM like Teitanblood, Novae Militae and DsO.

  3. 10 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    I spend too much time reading military stuff because I misread it as as Iskander as in 9K720 Iskander ballistic missile.




    I've totally lost the plot on the threads here, but this made me laugh! "My wife's younger sister really packs a punch!"

    To circle waaay back to the thread about non-whites in metal. I know of the other examples mentioned, but my point that I obvisouly didn't get across, is that in the grand scheme of things I've always felt they were considered as outliers or a very small minority within the metal scene. Like the token black guy. Sure some nerd in a fanzine from buttfuck Sweden might praise Sarcofago or Impiety but just how well-known were they really? But who knows, I might be wrong, I wasn't in the scene in the 80-90's. Far as I'm concerened anything that happened after 2000 and the internet is like whole different universe.

    Also, Kirk Hammet is black? Or hispanic? I had no idea!

  4. I missed most of the mental health discussions and shitty childhoods, but I do feel for each and everyone of you. I too have some baggage, but nothing I'm sharing here. Not that I don't like you guys, but this is a public forum after all and it probably wouldn't be too hard to figure out who all of us are, especially after GG doxxing my name every 5 min 😄

    Suffice to say, I have no idea what I'd do in your place Navy, it's a shitty situation all around and you gotta blow of steam where you can.

    And for what it's worth, if you can find a good psychologist or therapist, do it. Let them worry about which thread to start pulling at, that's their job. You may have it together, but like you said, it might improve your relationships with wife and daughter and make them even better. Sometimes we don't even realise the shit we carry around until we put the rucksack down.

  5. On 12/11/2022 at 5:57 AM, markm said:

    New Netflix movie worth checking out: Emily the Criminal starring Aubrey Plaza whom my wife and I are watching in an HBO series. I've got my eyes on you, girl. She's compelling as an actor-had one of those, hey that's the actress in.....moments.

    Somewhat slow to start, but engaging thriller that takes a twist on the revenge flick-a disillusioned millennial who, like uh, so many of us, realize that that the system is fixed and stacked against working people.

    So, Emily has a criminal record from her youth and is  saddled with college debt realizes the Capitalist system is rigged against her....just a girl trying to make it on the streets as it were-she's born to lose and gets into credit card Freud as a desperate means to get out of her situation-a woman who decides to break the law-you know-dirty deeds done dirt cheap-and in the process turns into that badass chick you root for.

    One of those stories, where the toughs underestimate a woman who punches back when the going gets tough and will go to great lengths to survive in a dog eat dog world. So, when the shit gets real, maybe she's over her head or maybe she's smarter than the dirty boys and low lifes that think they can roll her....check it out. 

    Why does this post read like it was written by a AI, or Mark had a stroke?

  6. On 12/8/2022 at 11:00 PM, Dead1 said:

    Race has never mattered much in rock/metal


    That's probably because the majority of fans and bands were white for a very long time, much like women in metal. I think when the non-whites was very few and not seen as threatining the status quo. There were Alex of Entombed, the two guys from Suffocation, Death Angel, and Living Colour.

  7. 11 hours ago, SurgicalBrute said:

    ...and Sororicide has been broken up for over 2 decades. Sheol comment said "the best thing Iceland has ever produced", but even limiting that to current, active bands...Carpe Noctem is the tits as well

    Yeah I actually think Mistyhrming are the top tits, Svartidaudi and Zhrine are both excellent but more like Top 5 territory.

  8. 10 hours ago, SurgicalBrute said:

    Honestly, while I do enjoy the dark, I know it would absolutely get to me to live in one of those areas in the North that get like 30 days of darkness. Seasonal depression fucks with me every year, and I know the reduced amount of daylight plays a huge factor in that. I can actually feel my mood improve on winter days when the sun is out and shining

    In Jukkasjärvi in the north of sweden you get 2 hrs of sunlight today.

    Sunrise: 10:25 - Sunset: 12:29

    In a week on dec 10 it will be just 35 min of sunlight

    Sunrise: 11:12 - Sunset: 11:47


    Then again, between mid may and mid july the sun never sets below the horizon





  9. PANTERA - Cowboys from Hell - Toluca, Mexico - 12.02.2022 - 1st reunion show

    Is it just me that think it's weird that: 1. This is labeled as Pantera reunion but 2/4 of the members are misysing, and 2. Everyone are supposedly cool again with Phil screaming "White power" a couple of years ago?

    Also, this sounded kinda ass on all accounts.

  10. 10 hours ago, SurgicalBrute said:

    This is Jamie Lee Cussigh, who looks a lot like Vanja Šlajh from a distance. My buddy (Bob) and I thought it was the same bass player in Triptykon and Triumph of Death until we saw Vanja standing off to the side while they were on stage.


    Ok, then it's a hotness-tie, with Jamie and Vanja on a shared #3 with the Rickenbacker as #2 and #1

  11. 4 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    We just watched the new Netflix series 1899. I loved it. Doesn't spoonfeed you. Period drama, psychological thriller... alternate history? Techno-surrealist allegory? Sci-fi? It kept my interest sharp, anyway, and it's visually stunning at times. Great design throughout. Keep dubbing off and subtitles on, the language barriers are important to how the characters interact.

    We watched the first episode, I loved it, family was bored. Will probably keep watching it by myself then. And I agree, it was interesting and visually captivating. Dubbing is the devils hellthing, unless it's kidshows.

  12. 17 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    My vote goes to Vanja. She's more 'exotic' looking facially and I was never into bleached blondes. On the other hand Jamie Lee clearly has the better more voluptuous figure. Looks like they might both be in the lineup of Tom's new band Niryth so hopefully we can see them onstage together and make up our minds. I'll have to assume one of them won't be playing bass, unless he's going with two bass players which seems unlikely, but who knows.

    Tom G. Warrior reveals new TRIPTYKON is near completion, and his new band  NIRYTH is almost done recording as well. : r/Metal

    Wow, I had no idea Tom had a new band. Hope it's not a derivative of Triptykon/CF, or worse, the death of Triptykon.

    As for looks, I think the photo above was pretty fuckng unflattering for all parties, excluding the handrail. But generally, I'd go with Vanja too.

  13. On 11/21/2022 at 11:21 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    But then of course on Christmas Eve Goldy messaged and said the guys had talked it over and they wanted him to ask me if I could please not participate in 2019 because I was ruining the integrity of their spreadsheet with all my shitty goat metal.

    Haha, that's hilarous and sad. I like scoring the albums I listen to inorder to keep some semblance of ranking for when I do my AOTY, but I often change up the actual finishing order based on taste and "other" merits of the albums. A number is not the whole truth. So it's like a mixed-methods approach to ranking.

    And like GG, I end up with a lot of 7's and 8.5's haha!

    On 11/21/2022 at 11:21 PM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    But then of course on Christmas Eve Goldy messaged and said the guys had talked it over and they wanted him to ask me if I could please not participate in 2019 because I was ruining the integrity of their spreadsheet with all my shitty goat metal.

    Haha, that's hilarous and sad. I like scoring the albums I listen to inorder to keep some semblance of ranking for when I do my AOTY, but I often change up the actual finishing order based on taste and "other" merits of the albums. A number is not the whole truth. So it's like a mixed-methods approach to ranking.

    And like GG, I end up with a lot of 7's and 8.5's haha!

  14. On 11/23/2022 at 6:33 AM, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    As far as Monotheist goes I would urge our Deadly one to spend some time with it. It's not like To Mega Therion obviously, so you'll have to set those expectations aside and just think of it as a new band. I personally think it's a masterpiece, but it is over an hour long and a lot of it is somewhat slower paced and doomy and some of the longer songs can get a bit repetitive at times. So I totally understand that some people just aren't really gonnna be into that, because I'm not always in the mood for that slow doomy thing either. But still, Monotheist is undeniably the heaviest album ever to bear the CF logo and Tom's 21st century guitar tone is fucking sublime. The songs are so fucking heavy and so packed with emotion that I can sometimes feel physically drained after lisitening to it. And what more could you ask from a metal album?

    Yeah, I think Monotheist is my favourite CF album just because it was the first one I heard. It's absolutely massive!

    On 11/23/2022 at 9:35 PM, navybsn said:

    Course, it didn't hurt that Jamie Lee Cussigh (aka Slaughterwytch) is one of the hottest bass players I've been lucky enough to see live. She's smoking and of course was playing a Rick which of course is consistent with Navy Commandment #1 & 2. 1) Chick bass players rule. 2) Any band with a bass player on a Rick is going to slap.

    Question is, is she hotter than Vanja Slajh who play in Triptykon?

  15. I must say that the Decibel list is quite varied and with some surprising inclusions. I liked the Sonja album, but I don't think I would put it on the top 10, much less top 5.

    Speaking of which... I have fuck-all for a 2022 list, been listening to a lot of music but haven't been arsed to keep a real list this year.

  16. From what I remember the Lead cenobite in the book (didn't even have a name), was androgonous and spoke in a high pitched, eerie voice. So if you want to get technical, Doug Bradley ruined Hellraiser!!!!

    The Cenobites are sadist demons from hell, you're lucky they have any identifying human traits all, much less sex. And I had no clue the lead actress was a transwoman. Had 0 impact on her performance and I'm sure that's not why she was cast.

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