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Posts posted by Sheol

  1. I think I was lucky in that when I started to get seriously into metal internat was starting to take off (late 90's) and finding likeminded through online communities, IRC (what's now called Discord), web forums and web rings was easier. The novlety of internet also made the lines between metal, goth, punk and hardcore less rigid so you were introduced to more bands outside of your interest-zone. I've never really had many IRL friends who were seriously into metal. Even now the guy who knows most about metal and whom I've known the longest doesn't care for 25% of the bands I listen to.

  2. On 3/11/2023 at 4:18 AM, Dead1 said:

    I suspect because Sabbath riffs are often simpler, slower and more blues based 

    Yeah in my experience Sabbath riffs are very airy and with carefully placed notes, which makes them easier to not sound muddy when downtuned.

  3. I like some Ed - fucking - Sheeran songs, but I feel, like many acoustic musicians, that he's grown increasingly boring and souless (must be the red hair) with increasing fame.

    Side note, why do red hairs be called gingers? Far as I know ginger is yellow, beige when not peeled.

  4. On 2/27/2023 at 11:11 PM, Dead1 said:

    He was also alive in a different era with different cultural values.

    As a student of history, I don't think we can judge people in the past behaving in ways we view badly.   We can learn from them and try not to repeat the same be it racism or slavery or building pyramids of skulls of slaughtered people like Mongols did.

    Depends. Not everyone named their cat Ni**erman. That's a choice! 😁🤪There were tons of people who were not racist, misogynistic or antisemites in the 18-1900's, where did they get their damn humanistic ideas from? I think that somewhere people just felt good about treating other groups like shit, not from a lack of "knowledge" but from a source of superiority.

    I mean, Lovecraft is also kind of a special case as well because as Jon said, he was the equivilent of an incel or hikikomore, and was mentally abused by his unstable mother. Not the best circumnstances for wide personal growth. So there's tons of explanations for a guy like Lovecraft, but that doesn't mean they are excuses.

    So I guess it'd be unfair to judge people historically but you can definitely criticqe them and point out their flaws.

  5. On 2/8/2023 at 5:37 AM, Dead1 said:

    So The Halo Effect is closer to In Flames than In Flames are in terms of members (including founding member Jesper Stromblad!!)

    Also ironic these ex In Flames and current Dark Tranquillity members had to start a melodic death metal band because their old melodic death metal bands had obviously gone down more mellow pastures


    Yup, but here's the kicker, the new In Flames is actually good. Like, the best since Colony. Granted, there's still some of the Whine Flames of the 00's left, but it's tempered by good songwriting. I'm as shocked as you, but I really like Foregone.

  6. On 1/28/2023 at 4:00 AM, markm said:

    I'm not a gamer, had no experience with the storyline, but I think it's pretty affecting-a horror mirror to reality, but I'm probably reading to much into it haha

    Same here, no gamer but the first 3 episodes have been excellent. Ep 3 was a TON sadder than I expected. Surprisingly emotional. Ramsey and Pascal are fucking superstars.

  7. On 1/16/2023 at 9:41 AM, JonoBlade said:

    I've always thought my endurance is weird. I can go hiking in mountains for hours (which often involves running with a pack) but can barely make it 10 minutes running around the neighbourhood. And in the gym I've always liked free weights but fuck the battle rope. I am now trying to make more of an effort to stay on the rowing machine longer. Baby steps.


    Could it be different types of endurance/aerobics? I don't know what you mean with "running with a pack" but explosive aerobics like battle ropes of 100 m dash is very different from jogging for hrs or carrying a load while walking in rough terrain, at least in my experience. I quite like sled pushes/pulls because they get my heart racing and I feel like I'm gonna die, but it's for very short distances so they feel very doable. Running a mile feels like utopia in comparison. Especially on the knees.

  8. On 1/14/2023 at 4:52 PM, markm said:

    Yeah, just one album and that EP that I didn't buy but have heard. Seems like it's longer than that but I'm opposite with you. Dawn to Fear was just OK for me-it didn't really connect. TLRN is a big step up for me....

    Same, Mariner was kinda grating and annoying, ADtF was ok, I disliked it in the beginning but last year I revisited and found the C/D side stronger than the A/B. But the EP was a promising sign and I really liked TLRN. It felt like a good mix between the teutonic, mechanical style of Vertikal and the softer, more organic stuff from Eternal Kingdom and A dawn to fear. Johannes also released a collaboration with Perturbator called Final Light, that may be why you feel more time (and albums) has passed?

  9. I've always had a good metabolism and been pretty lean but lack of training and comfort eating currently has me at 167 pounds at 5'11 and none of that is muscle anymore. I've noticed a bit of a lovehandle forming around my waist. I need to get back into the gym, I don't like where this is going...

  10. On 1/9/2023 at 1:36 AM, SurgicalBrute said:

    ...and yeah, I'd very much like to see a return to mostly practical effects. CGI is a useful tool to enhance things around the edges, but I'm not super keen on using it on everything

    I think the John Wick movies have been clever about it. Most is practical effects with wires, stunt training etc, but the muzzle flashes and some of the car action is CGId.

  11. On 12/31/2022 at 12:54 AM, SurgicalBrute said:

    The DC/Warner Brothers films have almost universally been garbage with the exceptions of the first Wonder Woman and Shazam (and maybe the second Suicide Squad).

    I think The Batman by Matt Reeves was really good. Felt like a solid detective story, going back to Batmans origins before he became a gadget/monster show.

  12. 19 hours ago, Parker said:

    I was in Denmark, and it said, "rocket," on the menu at a sandwich shop. I asked what it was, and was told it was lettuce. It didn't look like any lettuce I had ever seen. Now I know what I ate.

    Knowing Denmark it was probably hashish and they called it rocket 😄

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