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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. Too early for albums of the year list? Struggling to keep mine at just a top ten to be honest. I think it has been a superb year for death metal in particular even though there has still been disappointments it has still been a strong year in the main.
  2. Abyssal - Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
  3. Streamed that Lumbar earlier, not in the mood for doom much of late so have to say found it repetitive and dull. Probably more my mood than a bad record though. NP: Inquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
  4. Heard Aevangelist debut a while ago and thought the new one would be a natural follow on but it's a let down in comparison.
  5. Have given Labyrinth a couple of plays on Youtube over past couple of days having heard a few other forumites around the web heap praise on it. I am still fighting the feeling that it's just some riffs and (amazing) drums with a shitpile of symphonics piled on top of it like some under decorated cake due to leave the shop imminently with no time for any real plan to finish it. Then I hear tracks like "Warpledge" and "Under Black Sails" were it all does come together in actual structure and thus the real grandeur of what they try to encapsulate shines through. It will probably take me a couple more plays to gather a proper opinion of it but I am not rushing out to add it to my collection. Overall I am left with the feeling that I want it to be better than I actually find it at present.
  6. Latest additions have been: Aevangelist - "Omen Ex Simulacra" - I'll be honest, I am not in love with this. It's a bold move to bring elements of noise into DM (Portal have done it for years) but on Aevangelists album it just doesn't sit right. It ends up like a highly decorated DM album - not glitter on a turd but just not done right. Portal - "Outre" - Fucking hell. Still picking pieces of my face up off the floor because it got BLOWN THE FUCK OFF! Seriously, I thought "Vexovoid" was warped but this is swarming too. I love how you can't ever entirely map a Portal record, even when you think you have it sorted you then on your next listen find your brain thrown into a complete spazz by another off-kilter timing that you some how missed on previous listens.
  7. Ok - my interest in Death Metal has peaked this year because I have made some great discoveries and I think that 2013 has been a cracking year for DM. Some of my favourites: Grave Upheaval - their full length is untitled and has no tracklistings (just numbers). It's primitve, stripped back, suffocating and molesting DM that smothers you. Production spotters need not apply. Mitochondrion - Antinumerology EP. Moving on from the brilliant "Parasignosis" album in 2011, Mitochondrion add some dissonance in amongst the swarming chaos. Their are some real structures in there too. Antediluvian - Logos. I only discovered Antediluvian quite recently - Logos is their current release and is a vicious little bastard of a record. Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius. Big, big, big looming DM. Vastum - Patricidal Lust. Absolute filth! Patricidal Lust | 20 Buck Spin Wormed - Exodromos. Technical and brutal at the same time. Astonishing stuff with pig grunts. Ulcerate - Vermis. Quite possibly album of the year for me. Again techincally brilliant but has a polished brutality about it too. Gorguts - Coloured Sands. Another contender for album of the year, admirable for it's crisp sound and the twang of bass rumbling through at all times. Portal - Vexvoid. The technical older brother of Grave Upheaval, GU is it's younger brother with learning disabilities. Again AOTY material. Moderator's Note: Unfortunately none of the videos posted here could be retrieved.
  8. Grave Upheaval album. Suffocating punishment from the bowels of hades themselves.
  9. Back For The Attack Classic
  10. Also found Diocletian - "Doom Cult". Dynamite and hate. Dynamite and hate.
  11. Vastum - "Patricidal Lust" Filth. Absolute filth.
  12. ^ I really don't get the appeal of artwork like this. I guess it's to promote the content as shocking but all it says to me is this band are knobs who can only sell records with gimmick covers.
  13. It's a solid release "Surgical Steel" - not earth shattering and not worthy of all the hype I agree but is still a solid effort. It mixes too much "Heartwork" melody with the odd stab of "Necroticsim.." riffing to make it anything special for me. Good to see them back but there will never be another "Symphonies.." or "Necroticism..."
  14. I too care little for DA but their latest is a good thrash album. Won't make my end of year list by all accounts but still got to give them props for releasing an album of this quality so far into their careers.
  15. Cheers Blut, work has been insane past few months but I have found some breathing space for music. Abyssal are consistent over both of the albums I have by them, Antediluvian are fucking amazing, anyone who isn't thrown into a spaz by the riff pattern of "Scions Of Ha Nachash" has issues.
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