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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. I have only ever really bothered with MoRt by Blut Aus Nord. I have known it to get a bit of a bashing by some people but I love its dissonance and atmosphere, it's a proper album in the context that it isn't just a collection of songs randomly making up an album. I have heard other stuff by them (not a massive BM fan on the whole) but nothing has interested me quite like MoRT. Welcome along BFM666.
  2. I picked up some bitters the other night from the supermarket as I had been out to the pub but was driving so had to not drink in the pub. Got some Ridley's Old Bob and Hook Norton's Old Hooky. Both have fruity flavours but Old Bob balanced it so much better with a real wholemeal biscuit kind of a taste, Old Hooky was a bit too much sultana and raisin tasting and nothing else was there to really take that flavour away. Whilst the weather has been nice all day I have gone through 4 bottles of Samuel Adams Boston Lager this afternoon and it some how made the temperature that much more bearable. Does anybody used the Untappd website or app?
  3. Crimson Glory - Strange & Beautiful
  4. Tonight has been Morrhouses Pendle Witches Brew. A golden ale brewed in Burnley (not far from me up the motorway). Pendle Witches are allegedly the evil women who performed all manner of nasty acts in the 16th Century. IN reality James I (having survived the gunpowder plot) decided to exact revenge on the Catholics esp in Lancashire which was a Catholic stronghold. In his book "Daemonology" the text clearly shows that qualifying to be witch often involved little more than having a birth mark or blemish. The majority of the innocent women where hung. Anyway - they have made a beer out of this historical miscarriage of justice and it is a bit wishy washy and dull on the palate but still drinkable with it's biscuity flavour and malty taste.
  5. I'll be honest - new releases from the current era of new bands rarely do anything for me. I learned quite quickly with metal (and I imagine it to be the same with any music genre of choice) that whilst there are always quality releases from the new breed there is always a plethora of classics (both known and waiting to be discovered) in the history of any genre. These days I can find a lot more enjoyment out of "Back In Black", "In Rock" or "Sad Wings Of Destiny" than I can in any virtually any recent release from the last 12 months. My tastes have matured a little (I don't think that is me growing old - more I have a clearer idea of what I do and don't like) and I have an established collection that increasingly has space for older stuff as opposed to current releases.
  6. What is wrong with her face in that pic? She looks like she has just seen her cat get run over outside and come inside in a state of shock and got naked to mourn her loss, in the garage next to a building sack and some shelving with bits of hardware on? Fucking odd place to do a naked photo shoot - I can only assume in the next pic she is mixing cement or looking suggestive with a spade as she looks to make a proper show out of burying her beloved pet?
  7. Fair play to you then Parker - I think some bigger girls are really pretty, I wouldn't say I have a fetish for them I just don't think they should be excluded from being allowed to get their kits off. I don't get that feeder shit though - men feeding up their women to make them as big as possible because it turns them on. That's some motherfucking weird bullshit there that is.
  8. I am an animal lover and have had pet dogs most of my life (until my last dog aged 20 about 4 years ago) but I cannot stand owners who let their dogs bark incessantly! The woman in the end house has two small dogs that are always yapping away at each other and she just stands there watching them. The same over the back from us - two small dogs and a dumb shit pair of owners who do nothing to stop them barking even at gone midnight.
  9. eating - pilau rice and thai seven spice chicken drinking - diet coke Listening - Crimson Glory s/t doing - looking at gym memberships thinking - glad my blood tests came back okay and I am able to go back to the gym (although I could do without the 5:30 am start but its the best time to go).
  10. Listening to Callenish Circle now on Youtube. Not really my thing but then melodeath is not really my bag anyways. Some harsh vocals going on though which are none to shabby - just not to hot on the spoken/whispered clean vocals the rest of the time.
  11. God I've started something for myself discovering this thread. Pantera - Vulgar Display Of Power From the opening vicious slavo of "Mouth For War" to the ridiculous groove riff of "Walk", through to the haunting brutality of "This Love" I played this record to death in 92. It edges "Far, Beyond, Driven" and just about gets ahead of "Cowboys.." in my estimation as well. Judas Priest - Painkiller 1990 was an awesome year for music and one in which the grandfathers of the genre released an album that kicked the asses of several of their younger contemporaries with "Painkiller". I still go mental to the dueling guitars of Downing and Tipton on the title track and love the ott drama of "Touch Of Evil". Add "All Guns Blazing", "Metal Meltdown" and "One Shot At Glory" (that opening riff!) to the mix and it just holds up as one fantastic metalalbum. David Bowie - Low Quite possibly my favourite pop album of all time. Bowie encompasses everything from straight up catchy pop music through to trance on this album ("Warszawa" & "Subterraneans" are amazing pieces of early electronic music). I haven't bothered with anything else of his as none of it comes close to this record. Opeth - Ghost Reveries This is one of the most overlooked albums Opeth have ever done. I here lots about "Blackwater Park" (and it is a fine record) but "Ghost Reveries" is just superb and in my book flawless. Longer compositions balanced superbly with shorter and less intense tracks to balance the record perfectly.
  12. You have some great taste Steve but tell me who are Callenish Circle? Their name is terrible and makes them sound like a brand of expensive white wine. Nice to see Arsis in there - Relentless Oblivion put me on to them recently and I am enjoying them on regular plays at present especially "A Celebration Of Guilt".
  13. I don't mind big women but that picture is terrible. It just shouts amateur quick snapshot of someones girlfriend round the corner from a picnic area they happened to be walking by when all her clothes fell off. Talk about tits like torpedoes! Post some pro shots Parker.
  14. Megadeth - Peace Sells But Who's Buying?
  15. Missed this thread. Okay: Queensryche - Empire I love the catchy chorus lines available throughout this record. If you don't sing along to "Hand On Heart" you are dead inside in my opinion. There are some truly excellent moments on this record and it grows in my estimation every time I listen to it (I am even liking "Della Brown" the more I listen to it). Slayer - Seasons In The Abyss Yes I love "Reign In Blood" and recognise the sonic brilliance of "Hell Awaits" along with the consistency of "South Of Heaven" but "Seasons..." occupies a special place in my metal development where I actually listened to nothing much else for a good few months period. The title track is a monster of an epic and I was genuinely scared to death by the child's cries on "Dead Skin Mask". Thunder - Backstreet Symphony I fucking love this album - it is straight up blues based rock music, delivered brilliantly. I know every lyric to this record and can recite them perfectly. A truly great debut and one that ranks in my all time greatest debuts list. Iron Maiden - Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son Maiden's greatest moment in my humble opinion. The brilliance of tracks 3 through 5 are a truly great metal moment in my life. Add to this the magnificence of the opener and "Infinite Dreams" as well as the superb "The Prophecy" and "The Clairvoyant", the album is only let down by "Only The Good Die Young". Obituary - Slowly We Rot The first death metal album I ever bought. The agonising vocals of John Tardy coupled with the great riffing and blood spattered band logo over the decaying corpse really appealed to me at the age of 13/14. I remember being at my grandparents the day I bought this and my grandfather put this on his record player for me and though the record was broken - I had to convince him it was mean't to sound like that. Good times! Motley Crue - Dr Feelgood A massive summer record for me. The accessibility of the album with it's dramatic opening and catchy songs (Kickstart My Heart & Same Ole Situation in particular) make me head straight for it when ever I need a good sing along to clear my head. Nuclear Assault - Game Over So much energy and bite whilst still retaining a real tongue in cheek element throughout the whole album. Genre defining album for me. Metallica - Ride The Lightning You can piss your pants over "Master Of Puppets" all you like but it's predecessor was more important for me by a mile. "Creeping Death" and "For Whom The Bell Tolls" are what Metallica are (or at least where) all about. I could go on all day about this thread but had better stop there.
  16. AC/DC - Back In Black Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden Iron Maiden - Killers
  17. What is this research for? You mention a project - is that an academic project or an actual project to create a festival? I think you are aiming for an incredibly marginalised and to some extent pointless cross section of music fans. In the example of metal fans there are festivals galore already that cater for extreme tastes. It maybe that there is enough out there already but they are so poorly publicised that not everyone gets to attend or even hear about them? I am not being negative just honest. I am still a tad confused about some of your direction with this "quiz"?
  18. Busy week ahead. Seriously considering asking for a pay rise with all the extra shit I am taking on at present. Traveling all over the show as well to meetings and showcases which is tiring as well as tedious at times. Also spent a great afternoon with the girlfriends family yesterday - I am not by nature a social kind of person but I genuinely enjoyed yesterday which has given me new perspective beyond my usual hermitesque existence.
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