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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. Abyssal - "Swansong of a Dying Race" (Denouement) Ludovico Einaudi - "L'ultima volta" (Le onde) Grave Upheaval - "7" (No title) Ceremonial Castings - "Our Journey Through Forever" (Barbaric Is The Beast) Massacre - "Cryptic Remains" (From Beyond) Opeth - "Isolation Years" (Ghost Reveries) Wormed - "Solar Neutrinos" (Exodromos) Ulcerate - "Imperious Weak" (Vermis) Testament - "Powerslave" (Dark Roots of Earth) Deftones - "Romantic Dreams" (Koi No Yokan)
  2. Just treated myself to "Everything Is Fire" by Ulcerate. I have been streaming this for a couple of weeks at Willowtip BC page and decided a purchase was necessary.
  3. Cheers Blut will check them out after I finish playing: Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius EDIT - This Desolate Shrine is some seriously nasty Finnish DM, good fucking call Blut.
  4. I have 5 bottles of whiskey to shift as a result of xmas presents and a wine tasting evening to use also. Had a few ales as well (am drinking a Samuel Adams Boston Lager as I type). LAst night shifted some Jennings Bitter and Red Breast - the latter is very nutty and warming and it's warmth was enhanced by the terrible weather outside.
  5. Going to be having a few ales over Xmas (one of the few bits about Xmas I enjoy) starting tonight with the Shipyard Fuggles IPA that I have in my hand. Nice cloudy appearance and great fruity, pine and earthy aromas but the taste is a bit flat overall.
  6. I frequent a very dry and savage (humour wise I mean - I am not saying I dwell in the desert or anything) forum which I can function perfectly well in but I do find the atmosphere here much more settled and friendly.
  7. Okay Mr Taxi Driver you find it big of yourself to try an intimidate my girlfriend alone in your cab, try to overcharge her for the journey she took and then when she refuses to be ripped off you shout indecent obscenities at her as you drive away. Yeah, get you big man! Unfortunately come the new year you will be out of a job when I have finished with you and your licence.
  8. Wow I appear to have sparked quite a debate. Thank you for all of your kind words - I am hopeful my friend can pull through and will be supporting him as best I can through this. As with Blut my grandmother has beaten cancer 3 times and on each occasion she didnt have chemo. Any doctor will tell you how invasive chemo is and how difficult it is for your body to recover from it.
  9. Found out my friend has bowel cancer and started his chemo treatment today, not much older than me too.
  10. This is why I like this forum. Posters here make articulate and honest posts - great post Blut.
  11. Seriously if I see one more Facebook post from either of you (part of girlfriend's family) telling each other how much you love each other I am going to burn you both alive in your bed. You fucking live together so just fucking expunge your adoration for each other face to face. I don't get many posts on my news feed that make me be sick in my mouth but everyone of yours manages it.
  12. I think there are better places for this thread than the Black Metal section (oh the irony).
  13. I intermittently listen to other genres outside of metal just to add variety and new experience to my palate. Usually I stick to noise, dark ambient and the odd bit of retro electro, but I have recently downloaded I couple of dub eps that I found pleasing.
  14. Not feeling it if I am honest Blut. It's too clean for my liking, it isn't just Entombed worship as some have suggested but I just don't feel challenged by it. I am of an age now were I have heard most of what DM has to offer and 2013 has really caught me off guard with how stonking a year it's been for the genre. At least half of my end of year list I have never heard of until this year and I really was only giving past classics the odd spin on the DM front before. Lantern are solid enough in their delivery but nowadays I want to hear DM that makes me stop what I am doing and go "What the fuck is this?" and I have to spend the next 5 or 6 listens unraveling it to get any discernible map of what I am experiencing. I think with the exceptions of Carcass and Vastum (and Cultes who are BM) my list is representative of my mindset nowadays.
  15. Opeth - "Hours of Wealth" (Ghost Reveries) Portal - "Sourlows" (Outre) Benge - "Maher" (Forms:Series One) Ornette Coleman - "Lonely Woman" (The Shape Of Jazz To Come) Emperor - "The Burning Shadows Of Silence" (In The Nightside Eclipse) Rainbow - "Lady Of The Lake" (Long Live Rock n' Roll) Disturbed - "Breathe" (Believe) Diocletian - "Heretics" (Doom Cult) Morbid Angel - "Maze Of Torment" (Altars of Madness) Devourment - "March To Megiddo" (Conceived In Sewage)
  16. Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
  17. Settled on a final 10 albums for this year but haven't got them sorted to a rank order yet. Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius Antediluvian - Logos Carcass - Surgical Steel Cultes Des Ghoules - Henbane Gorguts - Coloured Sands Grave Upheaval - No title Portal - Vexovoid Ulcerate - Vermis Vastum - Patricidal Lust Wormed - Exodromos
  18. Opeth "Still Life" Awwww forum Opeth group hug.
  19. Excellent choice and good point about the entire album should be heard in one sitting to truly get the brilliance. I debated with someone once about how concept albums are like a book (they are stories after all) and that like any good read a concept album should have a beginning, a middle and an end all clearly structured within the progression of the record. The person I debated with was moaning because "Operation Mindcrime" didn't start at a million miles an hour and took a while to get going, my point was that if you picked up a story and knew everything about it from page one you'd feel cheated so of course the album builds!
  20. 5? Why only 5 is something on fire? Fuck me sideways this is a toughy, it took me a week to make a top 100 once. Ok if we are talking absolute must have classics then: Rainbow - "Rainbow Rising" Deep Purple - "In Rock" Iron Maiden - "Iron Maiden" Slayer - "Reign In Blood" Judas Priest - "Sad Wings Of Destiny" P.s I hate the original poster of this thread! P.p.s if nothing is on fire and I have picked just 5 I am going to be really pissed!
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