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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. This might be a different thread altogether so feel free to move if needs be mods. I have recently rediscovered an album I downloaded last year by an artist called Perturbator and it set me off on a "retro-electro", synthwave/darkwave trend. Eb-p3yIT9uY I love the menacing bassy synths and the flurrying stabs of melody - plus it's pure cheese! Discovered another artist recently called Gost who does very similar stuff so have added them to my fledgling collection, seems to be one of the few forms of music my GF and I both enjoy too. The Night Prowler | Gost
  2. A freak accident involving my Dark Throne CD and the sliding door on the cupboard where my CDs are stored has led to me having to download "A Blaze In The Northern Sky" which I suppose has the added bonus of me rediscovering it to some extent. Also just got Demolition Hammer "Epidemic Of Violence" and I will shortly be smashing shit up whilst listening to it's savage thrashery (cheers to Blut for the recommendation). I've also been busy on Bandcamp with it's free downloads of retro-electro and have virtually all releases from Gost which makes great music to drive at night to whilst wearing sunglasses!
  3. Read this quote today from Dave Grohl and although I am not a massive fan of Foo Fighters (oh alright I'd rather stick pins in my eyes and have old people tickle my arse) I thought it was pretty cool. "I went to England to see Cronos from Venom, and he really is that guy. I don't know if he's really Satanic, but we went to dinner and he drank like a Viking and ate a piece of meat that was almost still alive. The outside was kind of brown, but it was cold and bloody. And he told us about going into supermarkets and eating raw meat when he didn't have any money. I told that to Lemmy and he said, "Yeah, well I used to suck the meat out of raw sausages." It was like a contest for who could be more metal."
  4. Aevangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumilis Having heard this as a stream only prior to downloading it has soon become clear why last year's Aevangelist release bombed (well at least to my ears anyway). "De Mastucatione.." is savage evil in a can, whereas "Omen..." is just a poorly decorated clown shouting "Boo" by comparison. Grave Miasma - "Odori Sepulcrorum" Finally got round to downloading - another great DM album from last year which underlines what a fantastic year 2013 was.
  5. Antediluvian - Through The Cervix Of Hawaah
  6. Discovered Demolition Hammer because of this thread. Fuck me they are savage, "Epidemic Of Violence" is on my "to purchase" list along with some Artillery who I like more for their guitar work than anything else.
  7. Eating - Nothing Drinking - Nothing Listening - Landskap Doing - Busting a rib trying to reach the cat to stroke her Thinking - Pay day on Friday thank fuck!
  8. Larvae - "Grave Descent" my first find of 2014. A nice bit of doomy death combined with some BM for good measure.
  9. Blind Guardian - Somewhere Far Beyond
  10. Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side
  11. Immortal - "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism"
  12. Hooded Menace - Never Cross The Dead
  13. You sir are in for some entertaining times! Denouement is slowly replacing Novit... as my preferred release by Abyssal. Parasignosis is just mindblowing in it's building of structures and appropriate with its subtle BM fills. I think I am the only one to have written a review on bandcamp on the profound lore page anyway.
  14. You sir are in for some entertaining times! Denouement is slowly replacing Novit... as my preferred release by Abyssal. Parasignosis is just mindblowing in it's building of structures and appropriate with its subtle BM fills.
  15. Just checked out the Advanced Thrash thread. Cheers - I have some youtubing to do.
  16. Abyssal - "Denouement" This is death metal folks!
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