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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. Gotta love the "is DM less extreme Deathcore?" question though!
  2. Jute Gyte - because FA mentioned him and I am once again intrigued by the polyrhythms and irregular and frantic direction of everything he does. Adam Kamblach doesn't appear to have released anything since "Discontinuities" though.
  3. He's alone now with his dad's Blue Oyster Cult albums!
  4. More or less everytime I post I get a big white screen telling me the XML did not do something and that the document tree is shown below. I then have a screen of coded stuff to look at and have to go back to the forum via my favourites. My post does go through though? Only been happening since the site was down the other week to move servers.
  5. You've derailed the metal messiah child's thread about discovering eavy metul an shit. White n Sticky was a keeper and you are all bastards! Didn't BFMV members link up with some of the Cancer Bats and make a really shit super group?
  6. Jute Gyte is brilliant but my fucking brain hurts if I listen too much. I forget the guys name but he is one busy motherfucker when it comes to releasing albums.
  7. Finally got round to checking out Satyricon. Thought their latest was rubbish so picked up "Now, Diabolical". Not blown away by it but like the odd fusion of black metal with some more traditional sounding metal riffs. Also picked up Ritual Chamber "The Pit Of Tentacled Screams" - another great DM release from 2013.
  8. Not clocked any of their EPs yet but will look out for them. Just about to sample that rec from BAN.
  9. Ritual Chamber - "Pits Of Tentacled Screams"
  10. Darkthrone - "A Blaze In The Northern Sky"
  11. Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
  12. Exactly! I have a career to think about here!
  13. Aevangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
  14. I am going out on Thursday with my mate who has cancer and he's having his last pint before chemo starts so I plan to have a rip roaring time with a few beers and some good friends. I am off work Friday and the following Monday as me and the GF are going into Manchester, staying in a posh hotel, hitting some record stores and then downing some beers at night.
  15. The boss bought me some Dead Crow for Xmas - billed as beer and bourbon. IT'S FUCKING TERRIBLE!!!!!! It has a pretty accurate name because if you served me a dead crow in a glass I imagine it would taste like this. Imagine death soaked in the most terrified piss you have ever had at a service station after driving for 4 hours and you are not even close to how bad this tastes.
  16. Grave Miasma - Odori Sepulcrorum Finally a DM band that lets their sound be shaped by their influences as opposed to being ruled by them. Love this record.
  17. I was hit by a car at the age of 8, knocked 20 feet in the air and landed head first on the bonnet (hood for our US members) and slid another 20 foot or so into the oncoming flow of traffic. I got up and walked away with one stitch in my head and a badly sprained wrist. Might have more to do with luck than anything else but to walk away is an accomplishment in my book. Career wise I've worked my way up progressively over ten years into a senior management role having survived one redundancy situation by proving myself too valuable to let go. I have responsibility for massive sums of money that need to be saved and answer directly to a board of directors. Throughout this I have successfully avoided turning into a massive twat! 8 years ago I found the strength to stand up and tell my hellish, older and quite controlling wife that I was not happy and was leaving and I haven't looked back since.
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