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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Not to sound like an arrogant assho - oh, who am I bloody kidding? - but usually I don't talk to people since nothing I say seems to even remotely interest them. And to be perfectly honest, they're boring as hell most of the time. Last time anyone my own age seemed really interested in what I had to say I was talking about South African food, and that's not even a subject I know a whole lot about in the first place.
  2. That's never stopped me before.
  3. Winning arguments and influencing people are two very different things, I've seen ample evidence of that, 'specially on this forum... Speaking of winning arguments, my brother's broken through the first elimination round at Nationals. That's great because nobody on my team, including me, has ever managed that. For that matter, most national qualifiers from NM don't make it through.
  4. My mom was just saying I need to 'talk to people'...
  5. I know that for some people a smartphone really is indispensable, but I'm assuming that's because they do important stuff.
  6. I'm not a Luddite, they resented technology that would replace jobs...I resent useless technology that gets hyped by idiots who can't be arsed to do a stitch of market research. (Parenthetically, it amazes me how many students here at Georgetown just don't seem to shop around for a good deal, they just grab whatever catches their fancy.) Apple's running mainly on public indolence and internal economies of scale from what I can tell, if they weren't already such an established player in the market they wouldn't even have the benefit of a big name to sell their second-rate products. Smartphones are just now becoming useful, mainly because of the innovation in the apps market, but I've never been a big fan. That and everyone who had one was just absolutely insufferable. They're still insufferable, but now their shiny brick actually does something that might merit its cost.
  7. Ouais, c'est la problemme!
  8. Allegaeon? I never thought that much of them. I'll admit the other two are very good. Element, Sympathy, Demilich, Ketha, Angel of Disease and Unhuman are all great bands too.
  9. I hate him even more than I hate Jellal...
  10. It's some bastardization of Deviantart and Facebook from what I can tell.
  11. Incineration is distasteful, Cytotoxin just sucks whale båls.
  12. Some stuff from iTunes: the pertinent bits of the Black Circus Pt.2 album by Manticora, along with other assorted songs. I must say, this is a band that just continues to impress me. People keep giving Darkness With Tales To Tell rave reviews but it doesn't seem much beyond your regular power metal. Nonetheless, I've liked Hyperion, both Black Circus albums, a fair bit of 8 Deadly Sins and the entirety of Safe. It's pretty impressive for me to like four entire albums from a band; it's just a pity that I can't get good merch from them. Their shirts don't look all that great.
  13. Yeah, although that's not a Scriptural tale. It also doesn't make sense, crucifixion wasn't reserved for Christ or anything like that.
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