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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. 'The King In the North' by Seven Kingdoms. I'm enjoying this album 'The Fire Is Mine' a lot more than I did last time I listened.
  2. 'Bodies of Betrayal' by Teramaze. For some reason I'm enjoying this more than I remember. It feels powerful and uplifting, which is exactly what I'm looking for right now.
  3. Some pop-punk crap from a party. Someone's barfed in the toilet but to his credit he tidied it up quite nicely.
  4. I've been waking up way earlier than usual, and I think it might be good to keep it that way. However, the heating in the classrooms is making me drowsy. Hopefully that's just jetlag and won't become a thing.
  5. Iceni


    The new Smash Brothers is a blast but I think the particle effects are a little too elaborate and eight players is too many. Six is manageable but eight just turns into a buggerfest where you can't tell what the hell's going on and it's not all that fun anymore. Ganondorf is way better than in Brawl (same goes for Bowser), Villager is surprisingly good, Paletuna has some great smashes and Ike is still my absolute favorite.
  6. And the desolate rocky sands of New Mexico call out a siren summons to those looking to explode things, away from the prying eyes of society.
  7. 'Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond' by Zero Hour. I think this band is very capable and talented but for some reason they really just love to be boring, be it through repetition or being too darn quiet. When they're doing Towers of Avarice or parts from A Fragile Mind it sounds great, but for one reason or another they just don't seem to want to take advantage of their abilities a lot of the time. They could really learn a thing or two from Futures End.
  8. It's been cold as a walrus' nipples here in DC, my ears get beyond numb and actually start burning.
  9. 'Brain Surgery' by Zero Hour.
  10. You're cryptic at the best of times, Gorbo, but this is almost incomprehensible. It's like being in Devin Townsend's brain.
  11. Really? I thought it rambled and I seem a bit pleased to see myself write in this intro.
  12. A couple of preliminary sketches with the new tablet my brother got for me. I haven't really got the hang of GIMP just yet...
  13. 'War Princess' by Devin Townsend Project.
  14. I have...I think my favorite had to be the one with the woman making out with the Pachycephalosaurus, as I have no doubt there's a Tumblr blog dedicated to precisely that kind of thing...
  15. I'm making my way through 'Coal' by Leprous.
  16. I got a t-shirt from Aletheian, which was great since I've been a fan for a while and I love the majority of their work, they're a unique and talented band with some of the best lyrics I've ever seen. The lead growler Joel Thorpe manages the merch and he actually included some stickers (one of which is now a laptop fixture) and a signed band poster with the shirt. However, because my dad was the one to order the shirt, they signed his name on it.
  17. Transparency International website, a book my dad got out of the library and this forum, respectively.
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