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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. The French? You mean the French who unilaterally acted to help stabilize Cote d'Ivoire and Mali in the past five years while the international community sat on their hands and did sod-all except bitch and moan and wring their hands like they always do? The French, who have enjoyed thousands of years of military success, including a century-long conquest of England, who always get judged on six years of that history? "According to the historian Niall Ferguson, of the 125 major European wars fought since 1495, the French have participated in 50 – more than Austria (47) and England (43). Out of 168 battles fought since 387BC, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10." (Telegraph, Oct. 22nd, 2010).
  2. 'Holding a Card File' from the HunterxHunter OST.
  3. Not bad given that I hate the way that woman sings and that band has bugged me for a while. Still not as ear-shreddingly awful as Skillet though. 6.5/10, it got a little monotonous. LFpqGeQY12M Chances are other folks have heard this song, I like it anyway. The lyrics are kinda clumsy and smarmy but don't come across as forced.
  4. 'D-Drop Bop' by Amoral. Some of the better meodeath out there.
  5. Well, apparently the company that made them got funding from Goebbels so yeah, kinda. Blimps are making a comeback nowadays, the army likes the idea of a large, efficient, slow-moving craft to do surveillance and/or missile command over the country - any role where they have to be up in the air for a long time in a relatively safe zone. They've also been proposed for massive transport once a beachhead has been established and there's no fear of anti-aircraft equipment.
  6. Oh get a room, you two.
  7. Not at all. It was Heinz Guderian who wrote on tank warfare and more broadly laid the groundwork for blitzkrieg. Hitler was the jackass who thought the Me262 should be a bomber rather than an interceptor fighter, despite it being a one-person, lightweight jet-powered aircraft. Also he decided it'd be a great strategic move to attack the USSR (a nation for whose creation the German state was in large part responsible considering that they facilitated Vladimir Lenin's return to Russia during WW1) after having made a treaty with them, before the war was really finished.
  8. 'Cloak and Daggers' by Cloudscape. Goofy lyrics, the guitars are a little boring and I'm really tired of sitar. At least it sounds OK here but for the most part in metal as a whole it just sounds cliche.
  9. Same here, I almost laughed and then I thought 'but on the other hand, it may be an actual group, similar to Zimmer's Hole or Anal C*nt maybe..?'
  10. The 'Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide' album by Sulphur Aeon. Wow, this sounds absolutely amazing. What most strikes me just now is the sheer atmosphere created merely by playing the guitars really well...sounds enormous. I'd recommend this to anyone but particularly to BAN and FA.
  11. 'The Last Breath' by Cloudscape off the album 'Crimson Skies'. 'Crimson Skies'. Because prog/power albums don't have to be abject buttlogs.
  12. 'Potboy: The Final Fantasy' by Lalu. I've been listening to Exodromos a lot and trying out some other death metal, so it's good to get onto some prog that's still powerful.
  13. I learned that expression whilst looking up British slang. It was indeed given on one site as an equivalent term to 'dog's bollocks'... While we're on the subject, the term 'cul-de-sac' literally means 'ass of bag'.
  14. I had the same problem recently with Persefone's 'Shin-Ken', I remember considering it the mutt's nuts on my first listen, but my opinion has dropped significantly; maybe I need to try again to make sure I wasn't just listening with excessive expectations. There are a handful of Manticora songs that are kinda losing their luster for me as well, but most of 'Safe' is... safe.
  15. Their newest is good, but I remember most songs from that one being cripplingly boring. Is it? 'Satan Ass', roughly translated?
  16. Unfortunately, even if she clarifies that she drinks one glass of wine per week and does yoga purely as a physical exercise she's still going to get flak. I anticipate a titanic controversy if she decides to wear shorts onstage, or says that she doesn't care where the President was born...
  17. You're going about it all wrong. The longer the journey, the more you appreciate your arrival.
  18. A rendition of 'Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence'. I reiterate that this song deserves a doom cover.
  19. People seemed to like Plansphaerium better but I prefer Exodromos, it has more variety and less slamming.
  20. 'Pulses In Rhombus Forms' by Wormed. I do think Exodromus is better. Yeah, I did. I've seen it before and I do like it.
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