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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. The first picture my family has of me with my dad looks quite like that.
  2. My friend sent me a video called #Metalgate...so apparently some folks are getting mad about subversion subtext gendered narrative shaming structural blah di blah di blah whatever in the sodding hell these people complain about...in 'metal culture'. Whee. I look forward to their attempts to shame the kind of people who listen to Vehemence and Incinerate, it might just be the most pointless thing ever except for maybe the construction of nuclear submarines for Lesotho.
  3. Finally done my paper. I'm very glad I did the outline when the professor gave us the option to do so, I'd probably have crapped myself these last few days if I hadn't.
  4. I study in DC but it's back to home in New Mexico for Christmas. More of a prog and tech-death guy myself but I do like my fair share of power metal.
  5. Iceni


    I'm pretty sure you did. Something about Obscura doesn't really click with me, I think it's the vocals and the heavy neoclassical elements. I never liked the lyrics all that much either, pseudo-Hinduism is getting really old as a lyrical topic for tech-death bands.
  6. 'Share Your Energy' by Cloudscape. I don't know what the song is about. I don't think I should. From what I can tell of the lyrics they're really stupid self-empowerment dross. Thankfully the song is otherwise enjoyable, but man I swear Michael Andersson is the second-biggest ham in metal after Jorn Lande...
  7. All day working on this corruption paper, a little bit boring but it's been going well so far. Two more finals after this and then off home.
  8. I've been making my way, slowly, through the newest Cloudscape album...and one of these days I will finish the Sulphur Aeon debut. Cloudscape's quite solid, most of their stuff is good even if the lyrics are terrible, and 'Crimson Skies' was a superb piece of prog/power. Now, however, it's 'Baby Got Back' by Richard Cheese.
  9. Banned for not doing things the easy way and instead doing them whilst performing a handstand and dunking your head in a bucket full of hungry pirahnas.
  10. It is Magnitude 9? I've liked them for a while and they're from Columbus.
  11. 'Witching Hour' by Cloudscape. Decent prog/power but it's only their first outing and I know they've got better material so I'm not all that fussed.
  12. 'Touched by the hoof ov goat' has got to be the funniest line in it, though, because I'm just imagining an actual goat sort of walking up to him, its eyes and head kinda wandering until it tries to nibble his hair and then listlessly paws at him, kinda smudging his face with dirt, bleating and then trotting off to go have a poo while he runs off screaming about how he's the Antichrist...his mom fussily making him spaghetti and meatballs with cheese on the top and a glass of lemonade for when he comes back.
  13. 'Labyrinth Constellation' by Artificial Brain. I've been listening to Sulphur Aeon recently too, and it's weird to me that they've got three inverted crosses in their logo and yet only one, maybe two even remotely anti-Christian songs in their repertoire. Both of them are really just more blasphemous than specifically anti-Christian, so essentially something I could expect to be written as monologue for Satan in Milton for example. On the other hand, one of them has got perhaps the stupidest chorus I've ever seen. "Legion we are Touched by the hoof ov Goat Legion I am I am the countergod" Worthy of AOYG, to be sure.
  14. Two finals out of the way, three to go. Econ went better than I expected.
  15. 'Wired Opposites' by Artificial Brain.
  16. 'Absorbing Black Ignition' by Artificial Brain. Great stuff so far. Lyrics remind me of Wormed and Fallujah, and most other tech-death groups these days, they all like themselves a bit of astronomy.
  17. Certainly. Listening to doom in the summer always feels wrong, but tech-death works very well. Still, I'll forever associate snow in DC with Agalloch, those were some lovely memories.
  18. If you mean you just did an 'accurate', then yes. By the way, if you want a country with a terrible military record and real chickensh*ts for soldiers try Bangladesh. Or Iraq. Or ISIS, for that matter.
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