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Everything posted by Iceni

  1. Pas tous des violoncelles à la même attitude, c'est seulement les instruments jeunes et urbaines qui ont adopté ces attitudes libertines envers la fidélité.
  2. Ramen because the #*%^ing food truck hasn't come by even though we ordered stuff...
  3. My friend and I are writing up this mech novel and it's going swimmingly. It's been easy and a lot of fun for me to write for it. He occasionally gripes about his own lack of productivity but when he is productive it's usually useful and brings a new spin to it. I'm really looking forward to it because we have a simple let strong Lotus Elan chassis kind of plot that still has room for some nice elaborations here and there.
  4. No school tomorrow, so I'm staying up to write.
  5. 'Esoteric Symbolism' album by Teramaze. Still enjoyable, and holds up a lot better than Andromeda Unchained...I have to wonder what I was smoking when I first heard that one. Must have been the same wondrous substance that addled my brains when I was listening to the rest of Time I after 'Sons of Winter and Stars'. Geez, even Persefone's Shin-Ken kinda sucked on a second listen with the exception of a few tracks.
  6. Mercy Falls was better, but honestly I think Waiting In The Wings set the trend for the band's style and was fully developed in its own right, so I don't think the band was unripe so much as just not at their zenith. The most recent single was pretty good, I was worried they'd go the sentimentality route, which would have sucked.
  7. Waiting In The Wings is awesome as well, I've listened to it a number of times now.
  8. My non-metal repertoire is tiny, I tend to only listen to select non-metal stuff. I like Gothminister and a fair number of hard rock groups, Celtic folk music, the Red Elvises, Richard Cheese, and some stuff by The Piano Guys.
  9. What? Bilateral was awesome. Now Coal was deplorably dull, but not the second album...Bilateral was what got me into Leprous in the first place. It's also got some of the most symbolically good album art I've seen.
  10. 'Inner Enemy' by Seventh Wonder. Too bad Karevik is wearing a $#*!$ing trilby, makes him look like a tool... ah well, this song is great anyway. I hope the new album is this good.
  11. This is on our fridge at home. It reminds my mom of me.
  12. Red Dawn? So in this movie was Britain also invaded by a poorly armed bloc of rogue states that suddenly and inexplicably kick its ass? If so, I would love to see the menacing Luxembourgian villain threatening to force the UK to use the Euro, or they'll detonate explosives throughout the country and simultaneously destroy every Mark's and Spencer in the Isles!
  13. I don't know, Rick Santorum has to be in the running.
  14. Was it flavored? My friend is looking to start having protein shakes again but he really hates the taste last I remember.
  15. 'Rather Be' by Clean Bandit ft. Jess Glynne is a great pop song. I'd love more stuff like this with good violin...
  16. Look, making fun at this point is like trying to mock Yann Valentine from Hellsing. There's just nowhere to go, the guy's already as crazy as any parody of him could be, so not much of a point...
  17. No, I thought it was hilarious.
  18. I get stuck at weird parties, they always seem to take place when all I wanna do is draw and listen to the new Teramaze...actually, I was busy attempting to read about democratization in Zimbabwe when this all went down.
  19. That's nothing, I got to witness the president of the university speech club get in a fight with two guys more than a foot taller than him and bite a freshman girl after getting boozed up on wine...
  20. Well, it's finally happened; my computer is displaying AfroIntroductions.com. I suppose after more than three years on this forum it finally picked up on my regional academic focus.
  21. Armenian looks badass, as does Amharic.
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